Page 45 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 45

Namah                                                     Perspective

        scientists are tracing material molecules   produced nor does it use the consciousness.
        responsible for subjective experiences like  There are even abnormal instances which
        pleasure, happiness, love, etc. Modifying  go to prove that our organs are not entirely
        the chemistry and physics of the body is  indispensable instruments, — that the heart-
        now a powerful means to alter subjective   beats are not absolutely essential to life, any
        experiences.                             more than is breathing, nor the organised brain-
                                                 cells to thought. Our physical organism no more
        This can also work the other way round,that   causes or explains thought and consciousness
        is by inducing subjective experiences we   than the construction of an engine causes or
        can generate corresponding biophysics and   explains the motive power of steam or electricity.
        chemistry. It has also been well demonstrated   The force is anterior, not the physical instrument
        that with the power of will and concentration,   (1).”
        which is a subjective force, one can alter  But what is the research method used by
        biochemistry and physics. It is like physical  Sri Aurobindo to arrive at this conclusion
        movement producing an electric current or in  which is quite opposite to the modern
        reverse, an electric current producing physical  scientific understanding of brain, mind and
        movement. But what is more fundamental,  consciousness? This is where the third method
        physical movement or electric energy? In physics,  of research in psychology becomes relevant
        we know electrical energy is more fundamental  because a research method is not only the
        than physical movement, even if the physical  by-product of a worldview but also limits the
        movement can produce electrical energy.  worldview itself by the very method.

        We can study a flag objectively to know  The Forces of Nature
        about the wind, but the wind has its own
        existence independent of the flag. Same way,  The forces of Nature have woven our body,
        the operations of our mind can be measured  which is a physical instrument, out of the
        in the neural networks of our brain, but the  material elements. Within the matrix of our
        mind has its own existence independent of  material body emerges the psychological
        the hardware in which it is reflected. It is the  forces and materialism assume that the
        same for body chemistry and physics. We  material forces — chemical and physical
        can indeed flutter a flag to produce wind and  — are producing the psychological forces
        imagine that we have found the mechanics or  and resultant subjective experiences. It is a
        secrets of the wind and in the same way we  worldview with materialism as its foundation
        can alter the biophysics and chemistry of the  leading us to consider the study of biophysics
        body to produce various psychological states  and chemistry as the way forward to master
        and imagine that we are touching upon the  our psychological nature. It has indeed a place
        mystery of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo’s  in understanding the correlation between our
        research in consciousness shows an opposite  subjective and objective existence. However,
        view, he writes:                         while objective methods are perfectly valid
                                                 and effective in understanding the material
        “Consciousness uses the brain which its upward  machinery of Nature, applying the principles
        strivings have produced, brain has not  of our machinery and its processes to master

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