Page 46 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 46

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 3, 15th October 2022

        our psychological nature is like putting the  this double movement. Sri Aurobindo writes
        cart in front of the horse.              about three types of research methods:

        Love is a powerful force that moves within  1. Metaphysical
        our subjective space but to reduce it into  2. Scientific and
        chemical molecules and biophysics is to  3. Vedic
        confuse the flag for the source of wind.
        We need a different orientation, a different  Metaphysical method
        starting-point, and a different research
        method for investigating the psychological  Philosophical research, pure mathematical
        forces that emerge in our inner space, a  research and research in theoretical physics
        method that can reveal a different worldview  fall into this category of research. How does
        and its forces at work.                  the double movement unfold in metaphysical
                                                 research? Sri Aurobindo states that, “The
        Research methods                         direct process of metaphysics is speculation, its
                                                 confirmatory process is reasoning under strict
        Research into psychological forces demands   rules of verbal logic …. (3).”
        research methods that are appropriate for
        the domain of research and this raises the
        question of what are the methods of research
        available to us. Sri Aurobindo writes:

        “All processes of intellectual discovery feel
        the necessity of reposing upon some means
        of confirmation and verification which will
        safeguard their results, deliver us from the
        persistent questioning of intellectual doubt
        and satisfy, however incompletely, its demand
        for a perfectly safe standing-ground, for the
        greatest amount of surety. Each therefore has
        a double movement, one swift, direct, fruitful,
        but unsafe, the other more deliberate and certain

        There are many processes of intellectual
        discovery and each method has developed its
        own way of confirmation and verification. But
        what is common between them is the double
        movement, first a direct and swift process  Srinivasa Ramanujan, the famous mathe-
        of knowing followed by a slower, systematic  matician, was known for this direct and
        process of confirmation of that knowledge. Let us  swift process of knowing which, for the
        find out how different research processes apply  lack of better words, we may say is by

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