Page 48 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 48

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 3, 15th October 2022

        cognitive faculties referred to as drstti (truth-  lived (7).”
        seeing) and srti (truth-hearing) where Truth
        is self-existent. This is hard for the modern  For the Vedic Rrssis, the experience was not
        intellect steeped in its own logical processes and  for confirmation of what intuition and revela-
        materialistic worldview to grasp. However, seen  tion brought in but for the transformation
        from this perspective, Srinivasa Ramanujan’s  of their ordinary human nature into a higher
        swift methods of arriving at profound  evolutionary capacity. Opening not only
        mathematical truths become more relatable.  to the higher-order cognitive functions,
        There are cognitive faculties higher than the  but also making its dynamic and creative
        rational intellect but it is active only in some  powers active in life is a goal sought by the
        exceptional individuals like Ramanujan. Since  Vedic seers, a method that transformed the
        Ramanujan was in the field of mathematics,  researcher as a result of confirmation, as a
        his confirmatory process was by following the  truth lived, an embodied truth in oneself.
        logical process of a precise intellect. However,
        in the field of psychological research, the  Adapting the Vedic method
        metaphysical method is insufficient.
                                                 Unlike the Vedic Rrssis, we live in the 21st
                                                 century with a highly developed intellect
                                                 actively leading the frontiers of research.
                                                 Besides this, the higher-order cognitive
                                                 function is not as accessible to the modern
                                                 man as it was for the Vedic Rsis who preceded
                                                 the development of the age of reason. People
                                                 like Srinivasa Ramanujan are exceptions
                                                 who had the privilege of having access to
                                                 a swift higher-order cognition beyond the
                                                 labouring intellect. Nevertheless, people like
                                                 him represent proof of the concept, applied in
                                                 the field of mathematics and confined within
        In the case of the Vedic Rrssis:         the framework of metaphysical research.
        “Experience by the mind and body is necessary
        not for confirmation, but and for realisation in  But while adapting the Vedic method for
        the lower plane of consciousness on which we  psychological research, “...when we moderns
        mental and physical beings live. We see a truth   attempt to repeat the Vedic revelatory processes,
        self-existent above this plane, self-existent in   experience by the mind and body becomes an
        the satyam ritam brihat of the Veda, the True,   indispensable confirmatory process… (8)” It is
        the Right, the Vast which is the reality behind  indispensable to us because, “we, habitually
        phenomena, but we have to actualise it on the   intellectual, pursued into the higher processes,
        levels on which we live, levels of imperfection   when we can arrive at them, by those more
        and uncertainty, striving and seeking; otherwise   brilliant and specious movements of the intellect
        it does not become serviceable to us; it remains   which ape their luminosity and certainty,
        merely a truth seen and does not become a truth   could not feel entirely safe and even, one might

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