Page 50 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 50
Namah Vol. 30, Issue 3, 15th October 2022
For the re-discovery of the Vedic psychological knowledge, Sri Aurobindo proposes a
method derived from the method of the Vedic RRssis.
Research method Direct process Confirmatory process
Yogic Intuitive or revelatory faculties Psychological experiment
(We need to build these capacities and spiritual experience.
by yogic training)
Sri Aurobindo’s own discoveries, which are in/cwsa/21/conscious-force [Accessed 28th Aug
well documented and available to us as The 2022].
Record of Yoga (12) and C.J. Jung’s research
data, also well documented and available to 2. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
us as The Red Book (13) are modern examples in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
of the Vedic methods of research which is 2022]
essentially first-person research method. Such
research methods give a new perspective 3. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
on reality where psychological and spiritual in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
forces are found to be more fundamental than 2022]
the mechanics of outer nature.
These days, research in psychology or even 4. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
when research on Indic or Yogic psychological in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
knowledge is done, usually it is by following the 2022]
metaphysical or scientific method. The method
proper for Yogic research is still not considered 5. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
valid in the ambit of research. If Vedic and yogic in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
psychology is to be fully recovered and brought 2022]
forth with its true creative power for the future
of humanity, it is essential to acknowledge and 6. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
use the methods appropriate for the task at in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
hand which can complement the scientific and 2022]
metaphysical methods. The notions of yogic
first-person research or consciousness-based 7. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
research are still in their infancy in the academic in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
world. However, it is the foundation of yogic 2022]
development and therefore must be brought
forth and given its rightful place in the scheme 8. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
of things. in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p3 [Accessed 28th Aug
9. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword.
1. [Online] Available from: https://incarnateword. in/cwsa/17/chapter-ii#p4 [Accessed 28th Aug