Page 47 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 47
Namah Perspective
intuition. His approach was not intellectual the starting-point for scientific research and
speculation as a starting-point but an inner a hypothesis may be arrived at intellectually,
vision of complex mathematical truth. or based on previous research act as a
He could arrive at results without going stepping- tone for the next step, or through
through the analytical process of logic but intuitive sensing, which is given sufficient
to confirm and validate his knowledge, or intellectual and rational form of support.
rather to prove it to his peers, he would Physical experimentation, data collection and
labour systematically following rigorous confirmation are now so well-established and
mathematical logic to arrive at and validate widespread processes that they require no
the knowledge he had already arrived at elaboration here.
by intuition. This bridging with logic made
it acceptable and accessible to the peers of Social sciences use research methods that are
his mathematical fraternity. derived from the scientific research method,
but less rigorous and applied in a more
While the case of Ramanujan is more an fluid field of study with data which is either
exception than a norm, he is a striking qualitative or quantitative or a combination
example where the contrast makes it easy of both. Cultural (or social) anthropology,
to distinguish the double movements. sociology, political science, economics and
Every great philosopher, mathematician or even psychology are applying such methods
theoretical physicist starts off with some trails of research. However, in all these methods,
of intuition, however vaguely sensed, which is the researcher is separate from the object
first chiselled out into a clear intellectual form of study, the knowledge gained doesn’t
as starting speculation. Then it is confirmed fundamentally change the researcher’s own
through the slower, systematic process of psychological nature.
verbal or mathematical logic. This is already
a well-established pathway to knowledge, Vedic method
and we can see it in the expositions of Adi
Shankaracharya’s Advaita Vedanta. Among the three methods, the Vedic method
is the most ancient and least known to the
Scientific method world. Nevertheless, the ancient researchers
too followed a process with a double
The most common and well-established movement and Sri Aurobindo observes:
form of research in today’s world is scientific
research, with its emphasis on empirical “The method of Veda may be said to have in the
evidence. Here too the double movement of same way a double movement; the revelatory
the process is followed. Sri Aurobindo says, processes are its direct method, experience by the
“… the direct process of science is hypothesis, mind and body is the confirmatory process (5).”
its confirmatory process is proof by physical However, there is a fundamental difference —
experiment or by some kind of sensational “In Veda drishti and sruti illumine and convey,
evidence or demonstration (4).” the intellect has only to receive and understand
(6).” Here the role of the intellect is passive,
Getting clarity on one’s hypothesis provides it receives the knowledge from higher-order