Page 31 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 31

Namah                                           The Evolutionary Leap

        and the blind forces that govern the earth.  he is born with this thirst to know and seek
        Whatever be the temporary conclusions of  the meaning of life, to probe and explore the
        this longstanding debate, man cannot rest  beyond. He is therefore the most dissatisfied
        permanently in this halfway home, where  of all creatures, yet, and for this very reason
        he must choose between a blind mechanical  he is the greatest of all. In the fragile heart
        determinism of nature or a fatalism that  of man, so prone to hurt and pain, there is
        believes we are slaves and pawns in destiny’s  the might of a Love that knows not defeat,
        hands.                                   a love that can bear the pain of a million
                                                 creatures and return them hope and strength
        Man is much too conscious to accept this  and joy and peace, a love that can uplift and
        position for long. He is bound to search,  transform.
        is already searching for a way to master
        nature and conquer the forces that weave  Within the grey groves of his mind driven by
        his fate. He carries within him the intuition  uncertainty and fear, there flash sometimes the
        of greater and higher worlds from which he  lightning of an intuitive ray and the splendour
        came or from where he fell. He has within  of the occult flame that reveals the truths
        him an inbuilt faith of a deeper and higher  hidden to reason. In his ignorant, unsure,
        possibility, that eons of scepticism and the  precarious life, there runs as an undercurrent
        stark refusals of a strictly rigid materialistic  a luminous force that can overtake in moments
        thought has been unable to curb, let alone  of intense crisis and transmute the dangerous
        destroy. This faith and intuition embedded  game into a game of Delight. Hidden to his
        within man is bound to take over our current  surface view and the bitter wine of love-hate,
        paradigms, leading to the emergence of a  there is the deep well of sweetness and joy
        new and higher species or sub-species out of  and the nectarious wine of immortality.
        man, a being less burdened with animality
        and beginning to show up even on the  Yoga is a means to thus exchange and upgrade
        surfaces of life the torch of divinity hidden  our old version of life, that which we presently
        within his cloak of a dense, obscure body.     are, into a new and diviner version. Yoga
                                                 teaches us how to live beautifully, luminously,
        Conscious collaboration                  peacefully, joyously, above all harmoniously.
                                                 It also teaches us the science behind life, the
        The question still remains: is there something  subtle laws that govern our existence, the
        we can do about this or else will it all happen  occult forces that move our thoughts and
        automatically as with other species? Well,  speech and feelings. These forces push us
        each species must follow its own law  from behind, implanting suggestions in the
        of evolution. While evolution in animals  mind or stinging the heart with jealousy and
        is largely an unconscious process driven  hate, igniting in the fuel reserves of our life
        by instincts, the law of man is to choose  the crude and polluting fire of anger and
        and grow consciously. For him is given the  lust. They enter stealthily in our house of
        greatest of all burdens, the urge to improve  life through the backdoors of subconscient
        and progress without knowing well the  nature. Identifying with them, we think
        means and the process. He is given this urge,  we are these impulses and impulsions. We

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