Page 29 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 29
The Evolutionary Leap
Dr. Alok Pandey
Abstract: The last couple of centuries have been centuries of turmoil and revolutions, wars of an
unimaginable magnitude and scale. At the same time, especially the previous century has seen
the emergence of powerful ideas and significant discoveries that have the potential to destroy or
rebuild the world. All this, from the spiritual as well as the evolutionary perspective, can be seen
as the signs of a new emergence. This article explores this possibility of conscious evolution.
sense. It is certainly not the logical extension
of what has been happening so far.
Despite the countless challenges, including
the wiping-out of dominant species by
giant asteroids, life and evolution tends to
bounce back. Not only does it bounce back,
it returns with a new force and vigour,
Is our evolution over? Is the creative impulsion diversifying and multiplying itself in ways
in Nature exhausted with the appearance of that were unknown before the catastrophe.
man? Logically this sounds unlikely. Even The catastrophe itself seemed like a blessing
now species go on finding ways and means in retrospect, since it triggered a chain of
to adapt to new challenges. Over a period of inner and outer events that awakened and
time, this adaptation leads to the emergence quickened the nascent evolutionary impulse
of a new species or sub-species. So, to believe in creation. We can almost say that each
that evolution is over and now we are here destruction at the end serves only as a feeder
only to pack our bags and go home, — either to life. It opens the doors to a new creation.
spiritual home or else find ways and means Each disorder and dismantling of our fixed
to land in some new planet, near or far away, positions and comfort-zones of life becomes
or else simply end up destroying ourselves a means for evolving a new order. The flower
and the planet, defies logic and common that withers away and the plant that dies