Page 30 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 30

Namah                                    Vol. 31, Issue 1, 24th April 2023

        often serve to enrich the soil for future plants
        to emerge. Such seems to be the general law
        of life here. We can extend this to say that
        the greater the destruction, the greater the
        possibility of a new creation. Perhaps this is
        what we seem to be witnessing today.

        Faced with the challenge posed by life, we  This giant leap is the evolution that species
        can choose either to revert to the previous  take after several successive efforts that
        status quo or else take the bold leap towards  grope now in one direction, now in another,
        the future. This leap is akin to a caterpillar  creating awkward creatures in the process.
        leaving its safe cocoon and transmuting into a  But the awkward is only the middle term, a
        butterfly. On a less drastic scale, it means that  temporary resting ground for the new normal.
        the little bird safely resting in the nest takes  It is the shaky and stumbling stride that nature
        the challenge of life and spreads its wings  takes before stabilising on the next level. This
        and flies into the danger and the delight  is what we seem to be witnessing today. On
        of the skies. This needs courage and trust,  the one hand, there is a multiplication of
        the willingness to face the dangers and the  the awkward and the abnormal, so much
        challenges that life brings. Courage comes  so that one could say without exaggeration,
        when it knows that it is better to try the new  that abnormal is the new normal now. On
        and the unknown even if it ends in failure  the other hand, we also see novel thoughts,
        and falling than to rest in the old.  After all,  new ideas, new ways of dealing with life and
        failure is never a final point. It serves as a  events. On the one side we see the dance of
        starting-point for a new attempt. Falling is  death while on the other side, as if in parallel
        never the permanent resting-ground but a  worlds, a grafting of two wings on the body
        temporary moment to recuperate for the  of a caterpillar. It is yet to fly but the wings
        next level of effort. It is only through such  are palpable. With the increasing suffocation
        successive efforts and attempts that eventual  and the stifling there is also the stir towards
        success comes. The first flight, whether of a  a new leap towards the future.
        bird or an aeroplane is limited in its scope
        and distance. But it is these small efforts that  But while all this is happening rather un-
        eventually create the possibility of a giant  consciously under the secret evolutionary
        leap.                                    impulsion of nature, is there something we
                                                 can consciously do? A section of humanity
        The two steps                            is busy discussing whether evolution is or
                                                 is not, whether nature is secretly conscious
        There are two basic steps to evolution,  or only an inert mechanical brute machine,
        whether it be the inner or the more visible  whether man carries something divine within
        outer. Inner evolution is the change of  him or he is nothing more than another
        consciousness that involves the contact of  animal species that may survive or pass off
        our limited consciousness.               depending upon the random play of chance

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