Page 42 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 42
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 3, 15th October 2024
been made compulsory by the National to choose according to the need of the hour.”
Medical Council. The assessment is done by 7. “One should ‘heal patients by one’s words.”
asking students questions in theory papers 8. “If this practice is carried out effectively, ‘the
and also in practical exams by asking them nation overall will be healthy.’”
to demonstrate skills of communication. 9. “This quote provides the ‘core component of
the doctor-patient relationship.”
• Practice: in the recently completed Preliminary 10. “One must listen to patients and not simply
examination of Final MBBS, the following hear them.”
question was asked as one of the AETCOM 11. “I have seen this quite often prescribed in
questions: ‘To cure sometimes, relieve often, my college.”
comfort always.’— “Describe your views 12. “Not every patient needs medicine. Some
on this well-known quote. Provide some get well by healing words which comfort
examples that you have seen during your them.”
undergraduate training period which have 13. “Ideally, if this is practised, every patient
exemplified the message of the quote.” It will exit from OPD with a smile on his face.”
is very evident that for students, this 14. “The doctor should also heal.”
question was completely out of the blue. 15. “My viewpoint about patient-care has
They would not have dreamt about the evolved during these years of study…. a
possibility of such a question, leave aside gentle touch, some words of affirmation, a
any reading about it. It was astonishing that comforting smile, can work miracles which
the students came up with heart-touching no drugs would be able to do.”
answers. 16. “Hope and happiness are the best remedies
for patients and a doctor is placed in the best
Results and programme evaluation situation to provide.”
17. “Good doctors should have a holistic
The following are some of the unique comments approach.”
written by students in their answers:
1. “This quote reflects the necessity to treat
the patient as a whole, and not merely his
2. “Sometimes we forget our responsibility
to society by becoming mechanical in our
3. “This quote provides the exact definition of
being a doctor.’
4. ‘This quote reflects the ‘lifestyle’ of the
5. “Patients come at different stages. If they come
early, cure is possible. If late, provide comfort, The outcome has not been systematically
which is all necessary.” studied, the comments provided by the
6. “In the end, all three are important. It is for us students, howsoever impromptu as they may