Page 43 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 43

Namah                                       Incorporating Spirituality...

        seem, provide an idea about the depth of their  of life, Spiritual Intelligence, Burn-out,
        reflections and their sense of observation. This  Resilience. Several national and international
        will remain an ongoing activity.         publications and presentations have been
                                                 carried out.(6,7,8)

        iv. Practices which emphasise the Inner
        self, so as to help students to become  • Results and programme evaluation:
        aware of the Peace Within, The Divine
        Within: Guided Meditation workshops and  1. Research: quantitative and qualitative results
        practice sessions for Integral Health and  of effects of meditation have consistently
        Well-being                               demonstrated improvement in the quality
                                                 of well-being and physiological-biochemical
        •  Context: in the parlance of modern psychology,  parameters in scientific studies and randomised
          well-being is defined as a ‘unifying concept  control trials. In schoolchildren, college
          of hedonic and eudaimonic dimensions.’  students and obstetric patients the effects
          However, according to the spiritual  have been noteworthy. The results have
          perspective, the term refers to ‘awareness  been shared in four publications and many
          and transcendence to a higher state of  presentations at national and international
          consciousness, which human beings are  platforms. Four M.D. and two Ph.D. students
          capable of accessing.’                 have undertaken scientific studies on effects
                                                 of meditation on health and well-being.
        •  Practice: guided meditation practices are being
          conducted in diverse groups of school and  2. Medical students have been trained to carry
          college students, trainee teachers, healthy  out meditation sessions during their posting
          adults, nurses and patients suffering from  in the Guided Meditation elective. Students
          hypertension, critical illness, chronic renal  were asked to conduct guided meditation
          failure, post-partum patients and others.  sessions for oncology patients and students of
          Elective guided meditation has been  other batches. The results were very touching.
          introduced for Final MBBS students as a
          part of CBME curriculum. The duration  v. Assessment of Spiritual Intelligence
          of each session is 15-20 minutes and overall  of students entering medical college: a
          duration of intervention has varied between  research project
          8-12 weeks. Many single/limited sessions
          have also been carried out.            • Context: Spiritual intelligence [SI] is reported
                                                   to provide meaning-giving and context-
        The parameters studied are:                creator functionality, besides enhancing
                                                   academic engagement and care competence.
        Subjective: Peace, Happiness, Enthusiasm,   Enabling medical students to become aware
        Feeling Relaxed, Inspired, Energetic, Control   of their own SI has a potential to provide
        over anger;                                a transformational edge to the learning
        Objective: Heart Rare variability, KDQOL,   process.
        Happiness, Perceived stress, Psychological
        general well-being, Self-esteem, Quality  • Practice: we studied spiritual intelligence,

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