Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 21

Namah                             The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing

        “Do not look behind. Look ahead, always ahead  occult and spiritual.  According to the occult
        and go forward always (1).”              yogic science, there are subtle centres in our
                                                 subtle body through which the cosmic forces
        Age is but a Number                      enter and naturally flow through the organs
                                                 through multiple subtle channels or naadis.
        Living is an art but departing from our brief  Depending upon the forces we draw or
        earthly sojourn we know as death is also an  are tuned to, the organs get affected. They
        art. Between life and death there is interposed  suffer from congestion of certain forces or
        the phenomenon of old age. Going through  degeneration for want of them. The nature
        old age is the greatest of art, a fine balancing  of force corresponds roughly to the function
        act between what was and what may be. On  of the organ.
        the one hand old age is a time for reflection,
        it is a time for streaming past the banks of  Thus, the eyes, one of the most fascinating
        memory before plunging into the river that  organs, respond not just to visible outer light
        joins the two parishes, — heaven and earth or  but also to subtle inner light, the ears to an
        very simply earth and beyond. On the other  inner hearing, — inspiration. On the other
        hand, old age is also a time to reflect upon  hand, the denseness of ignorance and the
        the future, the real worth and value of life,  exposure of ears to discordant sounds and
        its purpose and goal. It is our answer to these  voices would harm it. The heart responds
        reflections that gives the real value of our life.  to emotions and the nature of emotions
                                                 would affect it. The lung responds to the
                                                 environmental energy around while the
                                                 liver to bitterness and stomach to anxiety and
                                                 unkind thoughts. Our motives that give us
                                                 the dynamic push for life flows in the blood
                                                 whereas ambition strikes the mid abdomen.
                                                 The lower and petty desires with their
                                                 attendant lust, greed, anger and fear touch the
                                                 kidneys, bladder, uterus and the lowest parts
                                                 of the intestine. Of course, modern medicine,
                                                 focused only on physical forces, fails to
                                                 recognise the impact of psychological and
        But then, what really is old age? Chronologically  occult forces upon specific organs. One day,
        it is just a question of how many seasons one  we shall surely know. But depending upon
        has seen pass through. Physiologically, it is  our indulgence with the forces of Nature, our
        marked by a progressive decline in our various  opening to them, we age in a variable way.
        functions and capacities. The organs suffer from
        overuse, disuse and more importantly misuse.  Our activities draw praannic energy in a variable
        However, organs are not just a conglomerate  way. There is a certain relation of this prannic
        of specialised cells and tissues with a specific  energy within us and our environment.
        purpose but also receptacles of energies and  Some are primarily givers, whereas some are
        forces, not just physical but psychological,  primarily receivers. There is a balance that

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