Page 27 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 27

Namah                             The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing

        does undergo wear and tear, and the sooner  arms of the Divine Lover waiting to receive
        we accept it the better it is. Simple gentle  us. This becomes possible through an act
        remedies, simple practical solutions are much  of surrender to God. Behind the change
        better than complicated measures. Quality  that frightens us is the changeless. Beyond
        of life is mainly an inner state than just the  the slaying fire, there is the saviour smile
        outer physical condition.                of Grace. Beyond the pyre and the grave,
                                                 there is the Smile that saves.

        Working with the elderly and even otherwise,
        I have seen people with serious physical  The Journey Continues
        problems who are quite peaceful and happy,
        mainly because of their inner attitude.  The Unknown and the Unexpected
        They accept the change; they decline quite
        sportingly. In fact, by their remarkable  “Death wanders through our lives at will,
        attitude, they become an inspiration to many   sweet Death
        young people. Quite a number of these rare   Is busy with each intake of our breath.
        souls whose names are legion, Nolini, Pavitra,  Why do you fear her? Lo, her laughing face
        Amrita, Champaklal, Pranab, Amal Kiran,  All rosy with  the light  of jocund grace!
        Nirod da and others, are quite astounding   A kind  and lovely maiden culling flowers
        examples of how to take everything in  In  a sweet garden fresh with vernal showers,
        one’s stride. To age gracefully is also an   This  is  the thing you fear, young portress bright
        art and is seen primarily in those who  Who opens to our souls  the worlds  of light.
        have somewhere found their soul and are  Is it because  the twisted stem must feel
        rooted in the changeless Eternal. The other   Pain when  the tenderest hands its glory steal?
        kind are unfortunately more common and  Is it because  the flowerless stalk droops dull
        these are caught up in the rapid change,   And ghastly now that was so beautiful?
        the downhill course of the body, running   Or  is it  the opening portal’s horrid jar
        from one doctor or hospital to another, in  That shakes you, feeble souls  of courage bare?
        the hope of finding the elixir of immortality.   Death  is  but  changing  of our  robes to wait
        That elixir is always within us and if we  In wedding garments  at  the Eternal’s gate (4).”
        have not found it during our lifetime, we
        are unlikely to find it when we confront the  Death arrives one day. We can face it with
        face of death. Though, we still can take a  courage or we can face it with fear. If we
        leap of faith and look beyond death to the  have faith in God, a true and living faith or

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