Page 32 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 32
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
humanity to further self-destruction. We all those children who go through that excuse we
live in a world where one person prospers at term an education. Consider how this plague
the cost of another. We live in the midst of a is embedded in our own social fabric. Think
downward spiral. To refer to it as a comfort- of the traumatised world workforce. Think
zone would certainly not be accurate, but it is of those at the bottom of the heap. Consider
the only condition that man recognises and too, the rich and beautiful who prosper
knows. People just live with their competitive but are only digging their own graves. We
urges and take them for granted. Most live in a world where even the prosperous
might disengage from heady excesses and become only victims. At a certain level, we
succumb to an uneasy alliance with this force. don’t amount to more than conditioned
However, in many quarters, the presence of animals. This tainted conditioning is pulling
competition is considered environmentally its countless human sheep to the very abyss.
healthy. There are not many places where This anti-divine force is clearly a major barrier
the cut-throat mentality is not encouraged. to transformation. There is an imperative
There appears to be no alternative. A huge need to discover and align to our soul.
economic machine is driving society to
deeper levels of depravity. For individuals Harmony and Collaboration
to step out of this condition, it demands a
seismic shift in consciousness., not to mention
a major lifestyle change. An enormous effort
is required. But it is a need of the hour. It
summons the warrior in each one of us.
The matter goes far beyond systems and
economics. Money is a major motivator in
competition, but there are others. No one Future humanity lives eternally in harmony
likes to be termed a social outcast, so fame and in complete collaboration with the Divine
and reputation may assume a greater priority. Plan. We cannot change the Plan; we must
We like the world to know that we make muster all our aspiration and engage with
a difference. Each person selects his or her it. Competition, as we know it, is a force of
own milieu and seeks to leave their unique the past, but it will not disappear overnight.
stamp upon it. It is an excuse and a means At present, the force is more rampant than
for satisfying one’s vanity. It can occur in ever. This is always the case before break of
many circles, even the spiritual. The tentacles dawn. One day, it will go. However, a vast
of competition spread everywhere and leave proportion of mankind would presently be
behind greed, envy, stress, corruption lost without it. The urge to compete persists in
and mistrust. The larger the pie, the more our own genes. It is a deeply-rooted condition
shameful the urge tends to be. and entrenched in our very being. It thrives
simultaneously at macro and micro levels. As
Step back for a moment and consider the it thrives in our cells, so the force proliferates
damage it wreaks at every level of society. in states and nations. Competition is a law
Its collateral is menacing and vast. Think of of nature, often construed as ‘survival of the