Page 23 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 23

Namah                             The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing

        coded genetically or by some unknown  a tangible sign of limitations will show up.
        mechanism. The cells are storehouses, not  While still we can and should try to push
        only of physiological and chemical changes,  these limits, this pushing should yet be a
        but also psychological experiences, as has  gentle rather than an abrupt pressure, more
        been documented in recipients of organ  like a vehicle slowly coming to a halt rather
        transplant. While the coding mechanisms  than an abrupt stop. To begin with, we can
        and the material substrate of cellular  assume that old age in today’s context starts
        memory is not exactly known yet these  at 75 rather than 60. Sixty is when life comes
        cells can possibly be trained or detrained  to fruition. 80 is when the seeds are being
        by strong suggestions, or other means of  gathered for another life.
        pushing states of consciousness in the cell
        Whatever be the causes of ageing and death,  But for now, we have to reckon with the fact
        man has always nurtured within himself  that our bodies do age and grow weaker in
        the quest for immortality. The quest is a  capacities with advancing number of years.
        spillover in the heart and mind of a secret  The genetic material does undergo wear
        immortal substance man carries within.  and tear, the senses too narrow down in
        Yogis and mystics know it as the soul, the  their range, the organs begin to diminish in
        indestructible element in us which is a  function and the overall ability does show a
        portion of the Divine and is also our true  general decline. There is the added load of
        self. It is doubtful whether the ancient  disease, loneliness, lack of work, leading to
        project of Immortality can be completed  isolation and boredom. Apart from these,
        without taking into account the active  there are several other challenges that the
        participation of the true soul within us.  elderly are prone to face such as loss of
        But driven by an intuitive sense, man is  old friends, economic loss, depression, in
        bound to try it in various ways and through  addition to bodily weakness, such as tremors,
        various methods and processes. But the  loss of balance and unsteadiness of feet.
        first step in that direction is a mastery over
        the ageing process. This too, man has been  How does or should a person slowly slipping
        attempting for a long time. From physical  towards the winter of life handle the decline?
        methods such as kaayaakalpa cikitsaa to occult
        methods, as we see in the story of Yayaati  Acceptance
        to spiritual methods such as is hinted in
        the story of Bhīssma. That man will one day  The first step is always the most difficult. It
        discover the secret of ageing and the means  is difficult for many to accept that the sun is

        of retarding or even reversing it is certain.  setting. They keep remembering the morning
        There is nothing that man aspires for which  sun and the glories of noon and hence fail to
        has not already been granted by the secret  enjoy the sunset eve. Sri Aurobindo describes
        Providence. The secret probably lies in the  something of this mood in one of his poems,
        meeting of Science and Spirituality. What  Evening
        we still can do is push back our definition
        of old, rather delink it with age. Each body  “A golden evening, when the thoughtful sun
        has its own rate of decline, its own age when          Rejects its usual pomp in going, trees

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