Page 24 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 24

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        That bend down to their green companion  tree shed leaves in the Autumn and stands

                  And fruitful mother, vaguely whispering,  silent as if all its energies were being drawn
                — these                          within so too in old-age, one should lead a life
        And a wide silent sea. Such hour is nearest God, —  of inner detachment and instead of involving
        Rich like old age when the long ways have all  with the life of senses, one should lead a life
        been trod (2).”                          concentrated upon the highest goal.

        The quality of life as we age depends quite  Towards the Future
        a bit upon the quality of life we have led.

        Rhythm and Season

        Ancient Indian spiritual thought described
        four stages of life each with its own rhythm
        and dharma. The lifespan of 100 years can
        be divided into four stages of 25 years, each  It is common to see an elderly group
        as childhood and adolescence, adulthood,  together reliving their childhood days with
        middle age and old age. The first phase is  old friends, associates or family members.
        for the development of capacities, learning to  These memories and associations provide
        focus and laying the foundations of dharma as  temporary feeling of security and comfort
        the basis of life. The next phase is for labour and  by sharing their issues, largely common
        toil in the world. The third phase is a seeking for  in similar communities. Often, they are
        the deeper purpose and meaning of life. The  seen complaining about how the modern
        fourth and final phase is a concentrated seeking  generation is losing their way. If we look
        for true freedom and higher knowledge.    into the archives of history, the refrain
                                                 was very much the same 5,000 years ago.
        These can be seen as four seasons of life, that  This is however an error of understanding
        symbolically reveal the dance of life. The first  things. Instead of judging or condemning, it
        is blossoming and the creative surge, the  is better to engage them, try to understand
        second is the Summer of labour and toil. The  their viewpoint, exchange with them your
        third is purifying rains that wash away dirt  own understanding, knowing that all mental
        and dust and sweat and tears accumulated  knowledge is relative and, if they ask for
        as we struggle through life. The fourth is a  it guide them. Advice unasked for creates
        gradual withdrawing into the Highest, to  unwanted reactions. We need to understand
        either return as a conscious being or else  that each generation has its own challenges
        dissolve into the Supreme Reality.  Just as a  and must find its own solutions. That is how

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