Page 25 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 25

Namah                             The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing

        creation moves forward. By giving our  weaken up. It is time to totally discard them
        solutions or advice unasked for, we may  or take the last leap of transformation.
        well hamper their growth. We can surely
        suggest but never impose.

        Therefore, it is a very useful and rejuvenating
        exercise to sit with children and youngsters
        and listen to them. People often complain that
        youngsters do not sit with the elderly. It is not
        quite true, at least the reason attributed to this
        tendency is not true. Actually, most elderly
        do not know how to engage with them. They
        are quick to dismiss but slow to understand.
        Engaging in interesting and meaningful  The Mother’s example is the best that one
        conversation with the next generation is one  can find in recent times. At 70, She resumed
        of the ways to remain young, one of the ways  playing Tennis, at 77, She formed the Ashram
        to keep our face turned towards the future.  Trust so that She could concentrate more
        It gives us a little peep into how the future  and more on the real work of terrestrial
        is shaping up.                           transformation that She was missioned for.
                                                 At 82, She opened the doors of the New
        Another way to turn towards the future is  Consciousness to several centres under the
        to pick up something that one wanted to do  aegis of the Sri Aurobindo Society of which
        but could not take up because of paucity of  She is always the permanent President.
        time in young age. To rekindle interest in  At 84, She dived deeper into the cellular
        a hobby, to restart playing one’s favourite  consciousness, leaving behind an amazing
        game, to learn a new language, read a book  document of several volumes describing
        one had always wanted to read or to re-read  the Yoga of the cells, something that was never
        a favourite book, to visit places one could  attempted before. And then, most interestingly,
        not get to earlier, even to dream up new  She initiates and inaugurates a unique and
        projects or new ideas, even if one may not  unprecedented city, laying the foundations
        see them materialise in one’s lifetime are  of an apparently impossible venture of a new
        some of the ways to keep oriented towards  township Auroville, at the age of 90. And
        the future.                              within 4 years of this, at 94, She declared
                                                 about the New Body. She was always moving
        For those engaged in yoga, it is a beautiful  forward.
        opportunity to intensify the aspiration and
        perfect one’s surrender, to enter into ever  The Deathless State
        deeper and higher states, to work out certain
        tendencies that one could not because they  The world is a constant forward march and
        were quite strong. Though with age there  it is difficult for any individual, however
        is a tendency for certain patterns to get  progressive, to keep pace. In fact, it is one of
        crystallised by habit, it is also true that they  the causes of ageing and death as the Mother

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