Page 57 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 57

Namah                                           Exploring Endurance...

        physical base of the body, the feelings and the   “To know and be able to bear and endure,
        mind, will help a lot in the process of staying   undoubtedly produces a firm and fixed joy (2).”
        with the restless energies and sensations. The
        wisdom growing in the being, of why we are  “A quiet endurance is the sure way to success
        doing it, will be giving the motivation for the   (3).”
        practice and the solid ground for the practice
        to slowly blossom.                       “Let endurance be your watchword: teach the
                                                 life-force in you — your vital being — not to
        The growing inner wisdom will also help in   complain but to put up with all the conditions
        maintaining absolute stillness in the body  necessary for great achievement. The body is
        for the process.                         a very enduring servant, it bears the stress of
                                                 circumstance tamely like a beast of burden.
        If we can follow these two basic steps, whenever  It is the vital being that is always grumbling
        any weakness shows up, then slowly the old   and uneasy. The slavery and torture to which
        grooves, old tendencies, loosen their grip  it subjects the physical is almost incalculable.
        over us, and we are still and calm, living  How it twists and deforms the poor body to its
        within, unmoved by the re-surfacing of  own fads and fancies, irrationally demanding
        old habits even though they may want to   that everything should be shaped according
        again satisfy themselves by poking every   to its whimsicality! But the very essence
        now and then.                            of endurance is that the vital should learn to
        Worth a try?                             give up its capricious likes and dislikes and
                                                 preserve an equanimity in the midst of the
                                                 most trying conditions. When you are treated
                                                 roughly by somebody or you lack something
                                                 which would relieve your discomfort, you must
                                                 keep up cheerfully instead of letting yourself
                                                 be disturbed. Let nothing ruffle you the least
                                                 bit, and whenever the vital tends to air its
                                                 petty grievances with pompous exaggeration
                                                 just stop to consider how very happy you are,
                                                 compared to so many in this world. Reflect for
                                                 a moment on what the soldiers who fought
                                                 in the last war had to go through. If you had
                                                 to bear such hardships you would realise the
                                                 utter silliness of your dissatisfactions. And yet
                                                 I do not wish you to court difficulties — what I
                                                 want is simply that you should learn to endure
        Let’s take a moment to explore the words  the little insignificant troubles of your life (4).”
        of the Mother on endurance in this context:
                                                 Concluding Remarks
        “Endurance is the capacity of bearing without
        depression (1).”                         When, with the ground of wisdom arising

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