Page 52 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 52
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
the passion for liberation itself, which must
be renounced for the soul to be perfectly free.
True freedom comes with the realisation that
the soul is eternally free, and both bondage
and liberation are illusions.
This involves not just detachment but unity
with the Divine that permeates all aspects
of existence. That is all-inclusive, “All Life is
Integral Liberation: a radical concept Yoga”, it’s not a running away or renouncing
introduced by Sri Aurobindo any aspect of our existence, but embracing,
integrating all aspects of our existence and
Beyond traditional Liberation: unlike infusing them with our divine essence.
traditional paths that emphasise liberation
from the physical world and retreat into Liberation and Transformation
a transcendental reality, Sri Aurobindo
advocates for ‘Integral Liberation’ which Liberation itself is not enough; it must translate
is the most comprehensive and radical into complete transformation. This should
approach, as it encompasses a transformative not just be an inner experience but extend
journey beyond the conventional frameworks to our external aspects for a complete
of freedom and liberation. Central to this transformation. This involves transcending
understanding is the recognition that true the limitations of the ordinary human mind
liberation transcends the initial desires for and ego, characterised by the realisation
release and detachment, fostering a profound of the supramental consciousness. Unlike
unity with the Divine that extends into the traditional practices that seek Nirvaanna or
fabric of existence itself. mukti, this approach emphasises liberation
in the world — being in this world but
Sri Aurobindo describes liberation not as not of it. In this Witness / turiya state, one
an escape from the world but as a profound experiences liberation from the dualities of
transformation of one’s inner being. To pain and pleasure and attains divine bliss and
‘know thyself’ is to recognise that the human wisdom, living in a state of Sat-Cit-AAnanda
individual is a microcosm of the divine reality, (Existence, Consciousness, Bliss).
and through this recognition, one can align
with the cosmic purpose. The awareness Surrender: The Key to Divine Transformation
of this oneness enables the individual to
transcend the dualities of life — good and ‘Surrender’ is one of the three central processes
evil, joy and sorrow, success and failure—and in Sri Aurobindo’s teachings and plays a
see them as aspects of the Divine play (Lila). crucial role in conscious evolution. True
surrender involves letting go of the egoic will
True Liberation: when we are free from the and allowing the Divine to act through us.
passion for liberation also — mumuksutva then It is not a passive resignation to fate, but a
only can we become free. The last bondage is dynamic alignment with the higher purpose