Page 56 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 56
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
is by endurance of the weakness in the body. and this unease is because of the restless
How? We shall explore. energy, which was not allowed to go into
a familiar old groove; this energy is bound
The Process to bubble for some time as it is habituated
over a long time to enter the same groove
When the weakness or the addiction or the for satisfying the urge/weakness. So, staying
hostile suggestion plays in the mind, at the with the physical sensations in the body, the
thought-level and we begin to have thoughts impulse, the urge, the want, just staying,
about that particular thing, or person. There’s ‘breathing through it,’ doing nothing else.
either an impulse to do something “I know Staying as my best friend, holding my hand
I shouldn’t,“ or to eat something. “I know via anchoring with the breath, staying with
I shouldn’t or to call up someone and talk, the consciousness of breath and the raw
which again I know I shouldn’t, or to watch sensations of restlessness in the body; this
something which I know I should not.“ will need a lot of perseverance. And again,
the ground of staying with this will come
Now, when an understanding and wisdom from the wisdom in the being, which knows
is dawning somewhere in the being, and one that this is the right way to go.
wants to stop moving in circles, rather than
repeating the same error all over again, the We don’t have to do anything internally when
first movement is to step back. The basis and the inner urge (for satisfying the weakness)
the strength of stepping back will be coming is there, just freeze inwardly or outwardly
from the little wisdom that is arising now in too if it helps, totally unmoved within, like a
the being, and that will give the conviction mountain stillness, not acting by the dictate
to step back. of the weakness. So now we are staying with
the breath, and feeling the sensations of the
Now, stepping back will lead to a certain unsatisfied energies, impulses, wants, in
unease in the being, because now one the body fully. Enduring the pains and the
is embarking on uncharted territory, an discomforts in the body, fully, and becoming
unexplored, virgin path. So, when one takes very familiar with those, not acting at all by
a novel path, unfamiliar to oneself, one stops their dictates, and anchoring ourselves in the
stepping on the older patterns/groves. normal process of breath.
Walking on the novel path, one has to stay Stillness in the body, full stillness in the
in a new territory, where one will need to
face the unknown, things not yet explored,
confronted or seen.
Therefore, as one will step back, there will
be a certain unease, discomfort, which is an
auspicious sign.
The second step is to stay with that unease;