Page 54 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
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Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
human experience. The task is not to reach fully expresses itself in every aspect of life.
some distant state of perfection, but to uncover The future belongs to those who choose to
and embody the divine consciousness that evolve consciously, becoming co-creators of
already exists within us. a new, divine Earth.
Sri Aurobindo tells us that all life is yoga. Every These insights from Sri Aurobindo’s teachings
thought, word, and action is an opportunity to frame conscious evolution not merely as
express the divine consciousness. The focus personal spiritual growth but as a shared
shifts from trying to achieve something outside mission to transform human existence, leading
of oneself to living from the divine essence that to an enlightened community of souls who
is already present. This shift from ‘becoming’ embody peace, unity and harmony — a
to ‘being’ transforms daily life into a sacred community grounded in the divinised life Sri
practice, where the individual participates Aurobindo envisioned as the future destiny
consciously in the divine evolution of the world. of humanity.
By living from this state of divine being, References
individuals bring the Divine into every aspect
of earthly existence. This holistic approach 1. Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri
to spirituality, where the sacred and the Aurobindo, Volume 33-34. Pondicherry: Sri
mundane merge, reflects the true essence of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust; 1997, p. 709.
Aurobindo’s teachings. The realisation of one’s
divine nature and the conscious evolution of 2. Ibid., p. 710.
that realisation through every thought, word,
and action leads to the ultimate transformation 3. Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 21-22;
of the individual and the collective. 2005, p. 856.
As we stand on the cusp of a spiritual 4. Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 33-34,
revolution, we are invited to embrace the p. 710.
path of conscious evolution, not merely as a
personal journey but as a collective mission.
Sri Aurobindo’s vision of a divinised Earth,
where Spirit and Matter unite, is a call to each
of us to participate in the transformation of the
world. The realisation of our divine nature,
through self-knowledge, surrender and active
participation in the process of evolution,
leads to the manifestation of a new world
— a world where the divine consciousness
Preeti Mahurkar, presently based in Pondicherry, is author of the Heaven on Earth book series,
which covers conscious evolution and social issues. She worked as a life-skill trainer at the Symbiosis
Institute, Pune.