Page 15 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 15
Namah Consciousness as medicine: reflections and experiences...
a deeper change in one’s thought and belief- Consciousness can facilitate healing, for
processes, the disharmony will manifest in many of us believe that unless we take in
some form of disease or other. Overcoming medicines, we will not heal.
one’s negative thought-patterns, letting go of
past hurts, freeing oneself from jealousy and I have seen so many people who were well
vindictiveness are essential for deeper and on their path of healing, whose bodies were
long-term healing of the body. Changing receptive and healing well. But somehow,
attitudes towards food, offering one’s food somewhere the doubts creep in and they fall
to God (before eating) are important tools in back on medicines to support them. There
changing the body’s metabolism. is a lack of trust in our own body’s capacity
to heal itself.
Consciousness — effects and impact
Barriers to healing — multiple doctors, mixed
I try to help people understand the deeper influences
cause of their malady and to show them a
glimpse of something vaster and truer I have observed that patients who recovered
within themselves. Some people are quite completely were primarily the ones who
taken up by the idea and the healing creates had complete trust and followed the inner
a significant change in the meaning and method with complete faith. I have seen
perspective to their life. Some view the intelligent people who wanted to get the best
healing process as ‘Integral Yoga in action’; of all worlds and tried a ‘practical’ approach
for others it is a validation of their own by using this method in addition to all other
spiritual paths and knowledge. methods. I found them still struggling and
having to use medicines to control their
However, some are only concerned about problem. Perhaps it is a question of complete
curing their disease and do not bother much trust. People who use multiple methods
about changing their habits or thoughts. perhaps lack complete trust in any method
They perhaps view the healing as just and try to use all methods with a hope that
another therapy and do not bother much at least one or more will work.
about the Truth behind it.
Healing children — new possibilities
Barriers to healing – doubts
“Does this method work with children?” is a
The most formidable obstacle to healing question I face at almost every workshop,
is the mind, its arrogant half-knowledge, and my response would be, “Only if the
rigid opinions, blind beliefs and obstinate child is conscious and willing to participate
attachment to its old ways. in the healing process”. In the last couple
of months, I have stumbled upon some
There is such a deep-rooted dependence on ways, wherein parents especially can play
medicines and doctors. Most of us do not a significant role in healing. We will share
even believe that such a possibility exists, more as we gain experience in using this
that the body can heal itself, that the approach.