Page 18 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 18
Namah Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016
cultures, ethnicities, budgets and preferences. connection. It was designed to help
Genetics, biochemistry, psychology, physio- nutrition professionals guide their clients
logy, age and sensitivities all influence one’s toward the most nutritionally sound
optimal choices of food. Clearly, one size approaches for them as individuals. By
does not fit all with nutrition or shoe eating well consistently, people learn what
selection. It never has and never will. foods best nourish and sustain them during
stressful changes that threaten health and
Proper nutrition is a major form of health impede recovery.
investing. When a person consistently eats
poor quality food, they deplete nutrient Eating for Health concepts
reserves in their bones, soft tissues, organs,
glands, skin and hair. They wear the results The Eating for Health programme promotes
of being overdrawn nutritionally — an high quality whole foods, suited to individual
unhealthy appearance — and feel the needs, tastes and ethnicities. It takes into
warning signs of ill health, which typically consideration biochemical individuality and
manifest as fatigue, pain and mood-swings. lifestyle, the factors that make all of us unique
beings with unique requirements. This flies
The Eating for Health approach is to share in the face of many current dietary trends,
current, non-biased research on the health which often cater to the public craving for
benefits of whole foods, botanicals, nutrient structured diets and strict rules. Thus we see
supplementation, lifestyle and exercise to several popular trends — the Paleolithic and
enable individuals to recognise that they ancestral diets; Mediterranean, vegetarian
have a great power in what they choose to and vegan diets; low-carbohydrate, high
eat, which will impact their energy, mood, protein; low-fat; and the more restrictive
body composition and the quality and diets such as Gut and Psychology Syndrome
duration of life. Since every bite of what one (GAPS); allergen-free; and FODMAPs
eats and each sip one drinks becomes the (omission of fermentable sugars). All of
matrix of their cells, tissues, organs, mind these can indeed play an important role in
and body, eating a variety of fresh, whole health promotion — for some people — and
foods on a daily basis is an essential form of the Eating for Health philosophy makes room
self-care and preventive medicine. for the concepts engendered by them all, but
with a flexible, non-dogmatic approach.
Eating for Health is also founded on the
principle of sustainability, both in terms Nutrition bandits and heroes
of what dietary patterns will sustain
individuals on a long-term basis and what Eating for Health embraces a concept coined
food production methods will help sustain by Dr. Bauman called nutrition bandits.
or improve the health of the planet’s soils These are the stimulants, sugars, refined
and waters. And as a holistic practice, Eating grain products, conventional dairy and
for Health also looks to various spiritual meat products, artificial sweeteners and
traditions that place great importance on hydrogenated oils in our overly processed,
mindful eating practices and social nutrient-depleted, industrially produced