Page 29 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 29
Namah In the bubble
hold together, one is as though half-diluted; with the Divine. With this, protection will come
these are the days of accidents. You must naturally. In the learning phase however,
be attentive…. you must watch all the more there are hiccups which can prove to be quite
attentively, be all the more on your guard, dangerous. A simple trust will always help.
not allow, precisely, this inattentiveness, this Of course, if one finds oneself distracted
slackening of consciousness to come in (11).” or in considerable difficulty, the rhythm
will inevitably become more fragmented.
A common symptom to this state, I have So it pays to cement these gaps as soon as
found, is often fatigue. The body picks up on they arise. There are times when we have
a lack of enthusiasm and interest. One feels to prove our mettle. Initially, considerable
drained and distracted and concentration effort is required but I believe that a seamless
wavers. Accidents have visited me this way continuity can eventually emerge into our
in the past. When one accident occurs, it practice. This stream of all-pervading and all-
seems always to seek ways to repeat itself. It protecting consciousness needs to be present
searches through our nature and tries to get throughout each and every day. Surely there
embedded in habit. A particular circumstance can be nothing more secure than that. I
might trigger it so one needs to break the believe that if the Divine Presence is invoked
outer connection with the inner distortion in this way, the very best will always happen.
that invites it.
Protection can be invoked not just against
Being in the bubble physical harm. However, the nervous envelope
cannot protect against those forces which
The ultimate key to protection is proximity seek to undermine our spiritual balance and
to the Divine. I find the intimacy expands progress. There is a different type of protection
whenever I call the Divine. Some might use which operates in an entirely separate domain
japa; there are many ways. The consciousness (12). There is a psychic protection which ultimately
and intention behind it is more important. determines and presides over all. It can only
Some time back, a friend gave me an insight come by cultivating a certain atmosphere,
into her own practice. She said that whenever which stops adverse influences seeping in.
she is about to perform an action or task, However, the same criteria apply:
she informs the Mother. “I am going to buy
vegetables” or “I’m going to climb the stairs.” “This is the only true defence: a wakeful
It suddenly makes the mundane become consciousness, pure and alert, so to say, which
so rich and interesting! It probably brings a does not sleep, does not let things enter without
consciousness to her everyday activities and being aware of them (13).”
breaks down the day into truly meaningful
tasks. Above all, it invokes the Divine into our The vibration of desire, for instance, is quite
very way of living and, as we step through capable of destroying psychological balance.
life, the Divine steps with us in this beautiful It is surely a major weapon of the hostile
bubble of protection. forces. Quite a few years back, I experienced
something which proved how powerful these
The greatest aim of life is continuous union elements can be. One night, when lying in