Page 31 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 31
Adequate hydration — a key to health
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma
Water intake is a most crucial activity in maintaining health. One should drink water at the right time,
right pace and right temperature. Drink enough water long before eating solid food, at a slow pace
and with the water at around body temperature. Always drink safe, contamination-free water. Proper
hydration gives enhanced capability of acclimatisation. The authors draw upon their clinical experience
to validate these conclusions.
Water consumption is an important aspect started sweating more but without any stink
for healthy living practices. One should or strong odour! Drinking water in the proper
know when to drink, how much to drink pattern promptly cured her.
and how to drink. Very few of us are aware
of this. The heat in India bothers everyone I should quote one interesting case. We
for almost 8 months of the year, the months have a very popular primary school in our
of April and May being peak summer, when residential area. The school has a large
sometimes the mercury touches 47° Celsius number of students. Owing to paucity of
mark. Drinking water in adequate quantity space, the school operates in two shifts. The
then is essential. first shift has students in the age group of 7
to 9 years who study from 7.15 am till 12.00
In my clinical practice of the last 38 years I noon. The second shift is from 12.30 pm to
have come across innumerable patients who 5.00 pm. Each shift has around 1,200 students.
have suffered due to improper fluid intake. I
remember a female patient of 62 years of age The urinals at the school used to emit a
who complained of stinking sweat. We tried horrible smell. The management used to
many medicines on the basis of symptom reprimand the cleaning staff for not cleaning
similarity but with no results. On further the urinals properly. Repeated flushing also
enquiry, we realised that she hardly drank was not effective. The exhaust-fan used to
water as she was busy with indoor office transfer the smell outside the school. The
work. I advised her to drink plenty of water management went to the extent of reviewing
half an hour before each meal. Initially, she the design of the toilet block as they thought