Page 22 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 22
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017
Why do we believe that the body is not Do you love your body or just make use
intelligent? Why the deep-seated belief that of it?
the body is not receptive?
Think of it deeply — do you love your body
We come from a single cell. This cell has or just make use of it?
all the intelligence, to divide and form
multiple cells, tissues, organ systems and Is it not true that we just use our body, and
the connection between them. All the take it for granted? The only time we become
trillion cells in the body have the same aware of it is when something goes wrong.
origin, and are connected to each other. And when the body becomes ill, we want it
These cells knows exactly what to do, and to heal fast, because the illness is making us
the body manages its entire metabolism feel ill, not because we have a special affinity
perfectly without the help of our mind. to that part of the body or that we wish that
All the systems of the body, when not part to become free of suffering.
disturbed by the vagaries of the mind,
work perfectly well in harmony. The system You can understand this better with an
of haemostasis ensures that the internal analogy to your child and servant. When
environment remains constant in spite of your servant becomes ill and does not come
the variations in external milieu. to work, it is a big inconvenience and you
have to take extra efforts to take care of
So when the body becomes unwell, why the servant’s work. You are ready to help
don’t we trust the cells and our body and your servant receive medical treatment and
allow them the time and space to heal? want her to heal fast, primarily because you
Why do we believe that our mind, with its want the servant to come back to work fast.
rudimentary secondary knowledge knows However when your child falls sick, is not
better that the infinite primary intelligence your attitude and approach different? Are
of the cells? you bothered more about the small little work
that your child may be doing for you, or are
Tune in to your body — an inner exercise you genuinely concerned about your child’s
Withdraw your consciousness away from the
thoughts, the emotions, the feelings, the outer For example, if our knees are injured, we
ego personality, and just try and become feel the pain and find it difficult to walk. We
aware of your physical body. Just feel the want the knees to heal fast because it causes
body, and the sensations coming from there. us pain. The pain does not allow us to move
Allow the awareness of the body to deepen fast and interferes with our daily work.
and the sensations to become more clear. But do we really bother about the poor knee,
Listen to the feelings of the body. Slowly, the cells in the knee which are injured and
you will begin to develop a greater awareness suffering? Do we really care for the cells in
of what’s happening inside, and also a new the knee or are we more bothered about our
relationship shall begin to form between you own pain and inconvenience? We want the
and your body. knee to heal because we wish to overcome