Page 21 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 21
Love your body — healing will follow
Dr. Yogesh Mohan
Healing cannot be understood just with the intellect, it has to be experienced. And once you have
experienced the healing power of Love, your relationship with your body will totally change. Your
approach to health, disease, healing will change completely, and you will begin to approach your body
with a new-found love, reverence and awe.
This article is an attempt to help you experience the healing power of Love. This is neither philosophy
nor mere idea, but a practical therapeutic approach. Just allow your self to move into the zone of
experience, and allow the experience to unfurl naturally. Use the words to help you connect to your
own inner space, and then allow the experience to unfurl.
“Awakened to the meaning of my heart,
That to feel love and oneness is to live
And this the magic of our golden change
Is all the truth I know or seek, O Sage.’(1).”
The mind does not understand everything outer mind, away from the scattered threads
of outer life and away from the identification
We must understand that the intellectual with your outer ego personality…
mind cannot understand or know everything,
though it always pretends to do so. The field of Silence, silence, silence.
consciousness surpasses that of the intellectual
mind, therefore try not to understand with the Allow yourself to connect to the deeper parts
modalities of the mind. However we all have of your self, allow the words to reveal the
the capacity to experience at a deeper level, and experience behind.
understand at levels beyond that of the outer
mind. I suggest that before you start reading Intelligence of the body
further, you get yourself into a deeper state
of consciousness, away from the chaos of the Dwell on these thoughts: