Page 23 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 23

Namah                              Love your body — healing will follow

        our own suffering, not because we wish to  Love as a therapy — an inner exercise
        overcome the suffering of the cells of the knee.
        There is a big difference between these two  Here is a small inner exercise to connect to
        attitudes, the same difference as the way you  your body with love, and feel the response
        treat your servant and your own child.   of your body. Close your eyes, relax your
                                                 body, breathe slowly and become deeply
        The body demands attention, love and care.  aware of your body.

        In my healing experience, I have come to  Gently hold your right knee with both
        realise that the different parts of the body  your hands, and touch it with lots of love.
        are like small children. Just as a child needs  Slowly you will feel the vibration of love
        attention, love and care, so the different parts  flowing from deep inside your heart to the
        of the body demand attention, love and care.  knee. Allow the vibrations of love to flow
        If you give love and care, they are all yours,  effortlessly, and just flood the entire right
        they listen to you, respond to you. But if you  knee. Feel the heart expanding as you do this.
        misuse them and don’t love them, do you
        really believe that they will love you and  Do not allow doubts to interfere — is it really
        willingly work for you?                  true?

        Love your body, healing will happen naturally  Do not be bothered about your performance
                                                 — am I really doing it right?
        This is the most important discovery of
        my healing journey. The body is not just a  Just focus on Love — do not bother about the
        machine. It is not an inconscient being that  technique of loving. Just love, and soon you
        merely follows a pre-programmed genetic  will feel Love flowing from your heart to the
        code. Each part of the body is conscious,  knee. Become aware of the response from the
        has its own consciousness, an intelligence, a  knee, and help the knee to accept your love.
        feeling, and responds to you all the time. Of
        all the powers, the one vibration that the body   After a few minutes, observe the status of
        responds most to is Love. Not the love you  both your knees. You will surely observe a
        desire from others, but love from your own  remarkable difference between the two knees.
        heart. Love is not just a vague concept, but a  You may notice several movements inside
        real vibration, a powerful energy that has the  the knee; you may become aware of certain
        power to heal and transform the body. Love  emotions or past memories or thought-
        is the first step towards healing the body, and  patterns associated with it. All this is perfectly
        often the only thing that the body needs and  normal. More important, appreciate that you
        demands from you. The moment the body  were able to connect with love to your knees,
        receives the vibrations of love, it opens up  and that your knee responded to you.
        in mysterious ways and an inner alchemy
        happens. Love allows the body to let go of  You can use this technique of love with
        the old hurtful vibrations, a new dynamism  virtually any part of the body. When any part
        takes over, and the healing process begins.  of the body is in pain or suffering, just connect

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