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Namah                                    Vol. 26, Issue 1, 24th April 2018

        shown to be safe at as high a dose as 12 g/  60 years-old). In this study, the participants
        day for over 3 months. Various formulations  were given either lipidated curcumin (80 mg/
        have been studied including nanoparticles,  day) or placebo for 4 weeks. Curcumin, but not
        liposomal encapsulation, emulsions, capsules,  placebo, produced decrease in plasma levels
        tablets and powder. Some of these delivery  of triglycerides and beta amyloid (plaque).
        mechanisms have managed to improve  Furthermore, curcumin administration in
        its  bioavailability, metabolism and pharma-  these participants increased free radical
        cokinetics (7).                          scavenging capabilities. These results
                                                 demonstrated the health-promoting effects
        Though curcumin has shown efficacy against  of lipidated curcumin in healthy middle-
        numerous human ailments, poor bio-       aged people (10). Adding ghee or extra
        availability due to poor absorption, rapid  virgin coconut oil to turmeric can better its
        metabolism, and rapid systemic elimination,  absorption.
        has been shown to limit its therapeutic
        efficacy (8). As a result, numerous efforts  Health benefits of turmeric
        have been made to improve curcumin’s
        bioavailability by altering these features. The  • Potential benefits from regular use are
        use of adjuvants that can block the metabolic  numerous. They include improved circulation,
        pathway of curcumin is the most common  the prevention of blood clots, and alleviation
        strategy for increasing the bio-availability of  of menstrual and menopausal complaints.
        curcumin. The effect of combining piperine
        (black pepper), a known inhibitor of hepatic  • It can stimulate the flow of bile and thereby
        and intestinal glucuronidation, was evaluated  promote the digestion of fats and expedite
        on the bioavailability of curcumin in healthy  the liver’s ability to detoxify fat soluble
        human volunteers (9). In humans receiving a  metabolic and environmental toxins, such
        dose of 2 g. of curcumin alone, serum levels  as pesticides, herbicides, medications, and
        of curcumin were either undetectable or  synthetic hormones given to commercial
        very low. Concomitant administration of  animals to increase their size and yield of
        20 mg of piperine with curcumin, however,  milk and meat.
        produced much higher concentrations within
        30 minutes to 1 hour after drug treatment;  • Turmeric has hepato-protective activity and
        piperine increased the bioavailability of  can help prevent viral or chemical induced
        curcumin by 2,000%.  The results imply  liver damage, as well as enhancing hepatic
        that adding just one percent of piperine to  glutathione, a powerful cell protector and
        turmeric could enable better absorption and  phase 2 liver detoxification enzyme precursor.
                                                 • Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory,
        Most of the curcumin clinical studies have been  immune-regulator and mild analgesic used in
        focused mainly on people with health problems.  the amelioration of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
        A recent study, however, evaluated the health-  arthritis, and bursitis. It is also effective in
        promoting efficacy of lipidated curcumin  the healing of inflammatory conditions of
        in healthy middle-aged participants (40-  the GI tract such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s

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