Page 17 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 17
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
is an indication of an inner urge to explore with a larger heart full of a self-existent love
the extreme limits of inner Space. and sweetness and delight, a stronger and
luminous life-energy, an action that is wide
The largest utility and scope of yoga in its scope and mighty in its effectuating
force. Outgrowing our small and narrow and
But apart from this, yogic practices and ignorant personality of the moment we can
processes themselves are a science in their develop from within us a new personality, a
own right. Just as in Science we observe and new mind, become an entirely new person.
experiment and study the laws of physical
nature, in yoga too we observe, experiment Conclusion
and study the laws of human nature. Just
as in Science we learn to master the laws, to Even as yoga is becoming a common household
manipulate or utilise the powers of nature word and the eyes of the world are turned
for certain outer gains, so too through yogic towards it for its enormous potential, it is
processes we learn to master our psychological important that we discover all its different
nature, alter the laws that ordinarily govern us, dimensions and facets. For this we need to go
bring in a new combination of psychological far deeper than the conventional idea of yoga
forces, utilise the existing powers of our as a set of physical exercises or techniques to
psychological being for inner gains. Just as keep one physically and mentally fit. This
there are laws of physics that govern physical may be a starting-point for many but the
matter as we experience it so too there are laws largest potential of yoga cannot be unlocked
of our psychological existence that move us. by this alone. The greatest potential of yoga
We can master and even change these laws by a is, as the very term applies, the union of
deeper study and understanding. We can even human soul with the Divine. To put it in
go as far as completely changing our character, other words, a union of the divine element
develop strength where there is weakness, in the individual with the divine element
grow fearless and courageous where there is in the creation and even beyond it. This is
fear and anxiety, establish peace and quietude the inward road to unity towards which we
where there is restlessness and agitation, aspire. It is not just a unity among human
experience a state of constant inner joy, a groups but a unity with all other species,
deeper and subtler happiness independent of and going deeper with all other aspects and
all outer conditions or inner self-regard where powers of creation. It is this universal spirit
now there is only a see-saw of moods swinging of unity that yoga seeks and finds. It is this
between pleasure and pain, happiness and unity that is the perfect solution to all our
sorrow. We can even completely outgrow our various individual and social ills. It is this
selfish nature, outgrow greed and lust and unity that opens the doors for the highest
jealousy and anger and all that dark fuel of possible freedom and going still further to an
fallen nature-forces that lead us towards the entire transformation of our now struggling
precipice of unconsciousness, and replace it human nature.
Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and a member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram.