Page 16 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 16
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018
route since it starts with examining different their validity from the answer to this first
things and elements that constitute creation. question. That is how yoga starts. Instead
It starts with physical objects and examines of probing the external world and digging
how this material universe is created, then deeper into matter, it goes straight to the heart
goes on to studying the enormous energy that of the problem.
is trapped within or released out of material
bodies. We discover all things as patterns It raises the question, who am I? Then going
of waves that spring up as articles to our from one level of awareness of the subjective
separate sense. But always behind it is the self to another it discovers the Knower, the
state of Oneness, the Energy of the ocean Enjoyer, the Mover of all existence. Then
throwing itself up as separate waves and extending this Self-knowledge it discovers
ripples and drops. Going beyond the energy- that our individual self and the Universal
body of the universe it shall enter the realm Self is essentially One. The many are a
of Idea-forces that pour upon creation to seeming, there is but One Reality playing
build forms for its manifestation. Each form with Itself in countless forms. This awareness
is simply a symbol of an Idea-force. It is this is deeply liberating. As we draw back from
Idea-force that gives it distinctness. Going the illusion of a temporary self or selves that
behind still further and deeper, we discover are merely constructs of Nature and Time
the common tie that holds all these separate (our ego-self) and discover our Timeless
and distinct units of creation in a single Unity Self, that has assumed numberless bodies
where all Idea-forces are revealed as facets and countless births, then our one life and
and aspects of the One Reality. The many its petty miseries appears as a mere fraction
are aspects of the One, the ocean one with of a moment compared to the vast play of
each drop, the earth one with each atom and Time. Our relation with others and the world
particle of dust, the rays one with the Sun. around us changes since there is no other
When we realise this, then we too can share but the One alone who is playing at hide
the delight of creation. and seek with Himself. Naturally these and
other such experiences that are the crown
What Science is trying to do through a deeper of yogic endeavour take time to come. It is
and deeper probe into the world and its not like a rapid crash-course into Nirvana.
objects, yoga does by probing into our own Those who turn yoga or yogic practices into
subjective space. Probing the objective world a quick-fix solutions for life’s problems are
is bound to lead us one day to a point where actually unaware of the deepest potentials
the objective phenomenal world fuses with of yoga. Yoga is a serious engagement with
the subjective Self. After all one day we shall oneself, one’s deepest self if we like. It is
ask this most important question as to who an adventure as great, if not greater than
is the seeker, the scientist and the thinker; climbing treacherous mountain peaks or
if the world is an illusory dream then who diving deep into unplumbed oceanic depths.
is the dreamer; if it is an objective fact that It is perhaps when man is done with his outer
who is perceiving these objects? Who is the explorations that he will turn towards this
student and who is the knower? In other greatest of all adventures. Or perhaps man’s
words ‘who am I?’ All other answers derive urge to venture into far reaches of outer Space