Page 32 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 32
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018
feel happy. Dissatisfied people make us feel disorders that can be treated with medicines.
depressed. What kind of vibrations do we They are called the ‘Dark Triad’ — sociopaths,
send to others? We will share experiences narcissists, Machiavellians. None of these
of these sensations in our lives. We will do people can empathise. Sociopaths are the most
some tuning in exercises. We will study dangerous as they can commit fatal crimes
abrasive interactions and make improvements but disguise their intentions. Narcissists have
on them. Participants will act out interactions a huge ego that blinds them to the existence
in different situations. They will see clippings of others. In truth they are so insecure they
of model interactions. need to prove constantly that they are the
best. Machiavellians manipulate people and
Next, we will discuss toxic relationships. exploit their vulnerabilities without shame or
These could be coming from abusive people, guilt. All these types commonly do not admit
exploitative relationships and many others. their defects and will not change. Participants
These have profound effects on our well- will reflect on historical figures who may have
being, starting from our moods down to the had a dark triad personality defect.
state of our bodily health. Hating them is
like drinking poison and waiting for them So, what should others do with such people?
to die. Toxic relationships flood the body Case studies will be presented. We will learn
with stress hormones that compromise the techniques of self-defence — psychological
immune system and the functioning of major and physical methods. Here are some ways to
organs, like the heart. Children suffering from avoid such people without instigating them:
ACEs have a hard future ahead because they do not make eye contact. Do not show yourself
do badly in school and have more health in frontal position. Do not tell them what you
issues. are feeling. Keep an object between the two of
you, like a table, or even a book. Give vague
But these adverse situations can awaken heroic answers that do not lead on the conversation.
qualities too. Victims develop resilience and Pretend to be distracted, provide an excuse
strong emotional intelligence. They grow up to and slip out. Learning some form of martial
be leaders, healers, social activists. They have art helps in dealing with physical blows. You
a psychological wall that can take blows and will deflect the attack to save yourself, but
not crumble. They can empathise deeply and not hit back to incite further blows.
can sense a person’s troubles before a word
is spoken. Meditation awakens the witness Self-healing techniques help one focus away
consciousness that can step back from life’s from toxic relationships. In addition to forming
situations and provide the inner strength to better relationships and taking good care of
bear it. But should toxic relations be borne if oneself, one supplies spiritual nourishment to
one can help it? Certainly not. Replace them oneself. The act of sharing, helping, teaching,
with positive relations and avoid the toxic any kind of altruism, even if mixed with
person if they cannot be reasoned with. selfishness, releases stress and produces
happiness. When in a position of power,
Three toxic personality types are defects such as parents, teachers, nurses, doctors,
that psychotherapists can address, but not we are blessed with a situation where we