Page 33 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 33

Namah                                       Emotional Literacy Training

        can influence someone else’s growth. When  A participant will be given a sad situation to
        healing people who have not been given love in  enact. Her partner has to find out the reason
        childhood, ahelper loops with their emotions  and provide consolation. The cause can be
        and fulfils that need. The Heart Math Institute  severe, such as a loss of a parent, or a mild
        has a lot of helpful articles and recorded talks  one such as a brother is caught stealing.
        for building resilience. They have a game that  Participants will think about handling each
        helps people calm down.                  case differently. Film clippings and literature
                                                 instances will be shown where this is done
        We will do some role-playing now to influence  well. Participants will model interactions for
        our behaviours. For the next session each  other challenging situations.
        participant will choose a role they want to
        play. It can be a historical character or one  The second lesson will be power-play. Again
        they have created. They will enumerate the  role-acting will be done in pairs, one of power,
        trait or traits they want to uphold. They will  the other subordinate. Roles will be switched
        act out the role, and others will try to sense  and replayed. Various situations can be
        the atmosphere it creates. Those who are not  enacted. For example, a child drawing on the
        confident about acting, can read out dialogues  wall and the parent having to say ‘No’. Here
        they have written. Then we will discuss how  positive reinforcement will be practised. Some
        thinking about this personality and playing  children will be hard to control, some easy.
        this role has influenced their mental state.   Other situations are: an employee asking for
                                                 a salary rise from his boss, a daughter asking
        If participants would like to experience toxic  her father for permission to marry outside the
        relationships, film clippings can be shown  community, a householder talking to her maid
        and case studies can be discussed. This section  after a sloppy job.
        can cause distress, so participants should feel
        free to skip this part of the training.   The third lesson will be tackling difficult
                                                 conversations. These are when two parties
        Topic 8: communication skills            have a conflict that disrupts at least one party’s
                                                 well-being. This is a difficult conversation to
        We interact with people by talking and listening,  have but needs to happen. Instead of making
        which is a give-and-take of emotions. The better  it confrontational, it needs to be amicable. At
        we do this, the better our relationships will  the end an action-plan needs to be mutually
        be. The first lesson is empathic listening. It  chalked out. The party on the receiving-end
        means a host of things: mirroring feelings in  has to broach the topic, by making it clear
        body language, adding reflective comments,  something is bothering him and he needs to
        abstaining from advising, giving the right  talk. He shares his perspective and asks the
        amount of helpat the right time, not rushing  other to paraphrase what he understood,
        to solve the problem, being there, tuning in,  and then share his point of view. When the
        creating rapport, touching and hugging if  ‘my story’ and ‘your story’ part is done, the
        needed.                                  misunderstandings can be discussed and an
                                                 action plan mutually worked out. The scenes
        To practice it, role-acting will be done in pairs.  to enact could be: an employee ignores the

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