Page 16 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 16

Namah                                    Vol. 27, Issue 1, 24th April 2019

        perversion should be analysed. If this means  will get us — either as terrorists or carriers
        a systemic change, it should be taken up.  of viruses.
        Perhaps men don’t have enough sports to
        dissipate energy, maybe they are sitting  So, in order to have a crime-free society, we
        idle for too long, or they have a dead-end  have to focus on child welfare. Sexual abuse
        and mindless job; their job gives them no  is the worst, but there are nine other kinds of
        power, or they were themselves abused. If  childhood wounding.Together they are called
        all cases are reported, it makes these studies  ACEs — Adverse Childhood Experiences.
        meaningful and can lead to systemic change.  It has been studied in detail by social and
                                                 medical professionals in the United States, and
        What can victims do to survive their past?  perhaps in other places too. They have found
        One answer is in therapeutic theatre. A drama  that people who suffered a poor childhood
        that started in Bangalore in 2014, then in  are affected by it their entire life. They have
        many cities in India, and has now travelled  a weaker immune system and thus are prone
        to the United States, is Positively Shameless.  to diseases. They live about twenty years
        It has five women in its cast, who were all  less than others. They have psychological
        sexually abused as children. And because of  problems; they cannot perform well in studies
        that, in their professional lives, they have all  or jobs. When they have children, they pass
        become healers. But have they found healing  on their sad upbringing to their children. And
        themselves? In the play, they tell their own  the cycle continues down the generations.
        stories in a stylised form, asking difficult
        questions, exploring their relationships and their  Why do childhood experiences last a lifetime?
        bodies. Therapeutic drama brings catharsis.  Intuitively, we have known this fact for a
        But a wound of this magnitude cannot just  long time. Now brain science has matured
        be cured by the victim outgrowing it. Their  and magnetic imaging techniques give us
        stories should help future victims escape this  the answer decisively. An infant’s brain does
        fate. Their stories should bring to justice the  not have many neural networks, or nerve
        abusers who, enslaved by their biology or  pathways. A pathway can be thought of as
        not, need to pay for their actions. Childhood  a thinking pattern. A thinking pattern then
        wounding is one of the main reasons for crime  influences our behaviour. When a person
        in the world. Criminals are the product of  sees a tiger, the protective mechanism in the
        social blind sight. The marginalised victims  brain secretes a hormone — adrenaline —
        who were voiceless children are now robbing  which makes him take flight. Depending on the
        people of their lives and dignities. Dr. Mark  danger, we either fight back, or flee, or freeze.
        Dybul, the CEO of The Global Fund, an  Even freeze is a survival trick. Some animals
        organisation that cures epidemics, says the  give chase only when the prey moves. The
        real epidemics are not due to germs; they are  brain’s rational thinking centre is shut down
        because large portions of the human population  at this juncture because all the blood gets
        are ignored and even hated. They are squeezed  pumped to the leg muscles. We are born
        into ghettos with poor hygiene and nutrition.  with these survival instincts. If the tiger is
        Unless we welcome, love and embrace them,  at home, we are always under stress and we
        our existence will remain precarious. They  have nowhere to hide. The same stimulus,

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