Page 16 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 16

Namah                                    Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020

        perceptions and the origin of our reality and  seems that fundamental truths and logic
        its qualities are being forced upon us by our  do not apply and easily disproven lies are
        karmic imprints. We are locked into our  marshalled to suit self-serving agendas, the
        particular reality and forced to view it as  effect can be dumbfounding. However, the
        Truth!                                   human potential to upend, disrupt and re-
                                                 imagine received wisdom and the status quo
        As his Holiness explains, “… in contrast to  is exhilarating.
        the Mind-only School, the Middle Way School
        reads the Perfection of Wisdom as definitive,  Current psychological principles
        accepting the statement that “all things and
        events are devoid of any intrinsic existence”  Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are
        as literal. The Middle Way view does not  disciplines founded on the belief that we humans
        discriminate between the existential status  possess innate transformational potential. This
        of subject and object — between mind and  view has found acceptance in mainstream
        world. The Hundred Thousand Verses on the  Western mental health as a proven and
        Perfection of Wisdom explicitly presents this  legitimate healing modality. It is commonly
        view with the statement that, on the ultimate  held that the effectiveness of pharmacological
        level, all phenomena do not exist. So, for the  drugs is highly enhanced, if not mainly
        Middle Way School, the Perfection of Wisdom  dependent on the psychotherapeutic process.
        sutra remain literal, and the emptiness of all
        phenomena becomes definitive (9).”       To further illustrate how both conscious and
                                                 unconscious forces can reshape the inner reality
        There are a number of other Buddhist schools  of an individual, I present here a clinical case
        with varying interpretations on Emptiness.  study.
        Though they differ considerably, what they
        agree on is that reality does not exist as it  Catherine was in her early 30’s when I first
        appears to us out there or in here.      started seeing her and although highly
                                                 functional, attractive and successful, holding
        This premise, that the mind is malleable,  a corporate position in New York City, she
        vast, largely untapped and that we live in  suffered from low self-esteem, internalised
        limited chambers of existence with limited  anger and an eating disorder. Raised in a
        modes of fixed perception, holds both  Roman Catholic household imbued with a
        ominous and thrilling implications. From  strong sense of duty and sacrifice, her maternal
        a discomfiting perspective, even when a  role-models found a sense of self-worth in
        belief is founded on unsubstantiated factors  withstanding the harsh consequences of life
        or illogical reasoning, it nonetheless has the  with dignity and worth through a victim/
        potential to be deemed as true and eventually  martyr complex. Catherine was a parentified
        becomes integral to one’s personal and  child, encouraged to put the needs of others
        collective belief-system. It was not too long  before her own. By the time we started our
        ago that the world was believed to be flat  work, she had lost touch with her needs
        and women healers considered witches. In  and desires, which profoundly negatively
        our challenging times, where it sometimes  impacted all of her relationships.

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