Page 19 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 19
Namah What is Real ?
heal. Today, patients return to recount consider her an inanimate object to dominate,
experiences of ego-dissolution, non-dual use and abuse for our pleasure and gain?
being, interconnection, joy, peace, love. In a
time when egotism, bullying and arrogance Will we be open to re-imagining a future
are widespread globally, is perhaps the ‘Becoming’?
return of the use of sacred entheogens a self-
regulating planetary impulse necessary to These I believe, are the questions that must
restore balance towards a more humane and burn at the heart of each of us until they
enlightened world? spark a flame that blazes a wild fire of
concern, passion and action, lighting a torch
If the hypothesis that our choices do make within each of us that will fuel our collective
a difference resonates with our deeper Becoming.
gnosis, that our actions have consequences,
both personally and collectively, that they References
determine the direction of the future
evolutionary impulse, then the importance 1. Entheogen. Wikipedia.[Online] Available
of every action we take, every word we from:
utter, every thought we engage in, every [Accessed 24 February 2020].
option we choose takes on a vastly greater
significance. And while all of this may sound 2. Cahart-Harris RL, Erritzoe D, Williams T
like a very high order, an unattainable, et al. Neural correlates of the psychedelic
unreachable level of aspiration, I am reminded state as determined by fMRI studies with
of Lao Tzu’s simple yet elegant saying, “The psilocybin.Proceedings of the National Academy
journey of a thousand miles begins with of Sciences, January 23, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/
the first step”. pnas.1119598109.
Here,we might turn and ask the questions: 3. Ibid.
Will we stay limited in our comfortable, 4. Author’s own notes, 23-29 June, 2019. Case
confining mental constructs or will we strive studies presented at week-long training given
for an ever- expanding gnosis? by Mithoefer M, Mithoefer A as part of CPTR
programme (Certificate in Psychedelic Therapy
Will we see and glimpse into the inter- & Research) offered by The California Institute
connection of all human beings and the of Integral Studies, San Francisco (CIIS)
co-dependent arising of all living things,
or do we remain imprisoned in our skin- 5. Author’s own notes, 4 May, 2019.Lecture by
encapsulated egos? Bossis A as part of CPTR programme (Certificate
in Psychedelic Therapy & Research), offered
Will we be able to perceive the aliveness and by CIIS .
interdependence of all that composes this
delicate planet, or will we instead continue to 6. Richard WA. SacredKnowledge, Psychedelics and