Page 18 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 18
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020
of ultimate reality and psychology’s demonstrate a healthy work ethic, vibrantly
contribution of projections, transference balanced with soulful leisurely pursuits.
and internalisation, I would argue that all That we encourage our children to revere their
these disciplines point to the suggestion elders for their accumulated knowledge
that reality is not fixed, out there, but rather and wisdom.
is fluid, malleable, open to possibilities, ‘A
Becoming’, a verb not a noun. I would argue that each of us strive to expand
our consciousness. To be awake, aware
If we posit that the above is true, that and engaged with life. That we cultivate a
there is No Real and that there is No fixed relationship with our inner selves.That we
Reality, then the question remains, where find this connection in ways that uniquely
do we go from here, what do we do with speak to us. That we discover and cultivate
that knowing? How do we, as concerned a space for our inner-being, whether through
participants in this human family, make meditation, journaling, encounters with
choices that engender the betterment of nature, sacred daily rituals, enlightened
our collective society, our culture, our travel, friendship, conversation, precious
planet? How do we work towards a positive solitude, immersion in art, poetry, music,
evolutionary trajectory? dance or movement.
I would argue that the choices we make do I would argue the need to nurture a sense
make a difference in our Becoming. of curiosity, exploration and presence so
that the quality of awe and wonder that we
In that spirit, I would argue that we choose experience under the influence of sacred
enlightened values, humanism, and morality. medicines become more of the lens through
Western civilisation suffers from a crisis of which we experience the world.
identity; a loss of greater purpose, no longer
guided by a collective myth. Nietzsche‘s I would argue that in a world obsessed with
proclamation, “God is Dead” feels prescient. materialism and possessed by the virus of
In a time when religion, as we have known it, consumerism, we burst beyond its shallow
is being transformed, we might be well served constraints.
to reinvigorate altruism in our children, and
ourselves. I would argue that in a culture languishing
in a dreamlike state of denial around Death,
I would argue that we revive our awe we devote ourselves to ongoing reflections on
at the mystery and beauty of nature, see impermanence, the ever-changing nature of
nature as a mirror into ourselves. That existence. That we contemplate and embrace
we not only model but become exemplars Death, as the ultimate guide and friend who
of civic duty and planetary stewardship awaits us just around the corner.
for our children.That we learn to listen and
respect our children and demand that they Entheogens have been used by ingenious
develop the art of listening, patience and people for thousands of years as vehicles
respect for others and the planet. That we to pierce the veil of perception and to