Page 23 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 23

Namah                                             Notes on counselling

        When he was about 85, he began to display  psychology is needed to provide a more
        mild memory disturbances. When this scribe  comprehensive and compassionate approach
        asked him to recollect a past memorable  for a whole-person narrative.
        event which obviously he could not, he
        rationalised and answered that these golden  We shall now try to understand the different
        moments were gone forever and what was  dimensions of consciousness to see how we
        more important was to remain calm and  can simultaneously operate with analytical
        undisturbed!                             and synthetic perspectives.

        In retrospect, this patient’s schizophrenic  The Physical dimension
        delusion about black money in Swiss banks
        had an intuitive element.  Was it due to the  The human being is to begin with a physical
        mystical side of his character? Can delusion  being in the sense that the superstructure of
        per se get modified in mystic states? The  living systems has been built upon a physical
        relationship between psychosis and mysticism  template. Hence, the physical dimension of a
        is very complex and it is known that spiritual  consciousness model should initially address
        aspirants can become psychotic if they are  the phenomenon of ‘awareness’ in neurological,
        over-zealous in their spiritual pursuit without  physiological, psycho-physiological, genetic,
        stabilising themselves. In the present case, a  developmental, cognitive, information processing,
        standard psychiatric evaluation of the subject  computational and other allied terms. This
        would assess his delusional state, but would  level should explore the physical basis of the
        not have shown how his spiritual perspective  ‘contents’ of consciousness (viz. sensations,
        had a synthetic value in his life.       emotions, images, memories, ideas) as well
                                                 as the ‘states’ of consciousness (modulated
        The integral perspective therefore requires  through the ascending reticular activating
        an approach to consciousness that accepts  system).
        both analytical and synthetic viewpoints.
        At the analytical level, there are certain  However the scientific approach that attempts
        basic dimensions to be considered while  to understand physical reality by building-blocks
        studying the human psyche, none of which  from below upwards is no longer entirely
        is superior or inferior to the other, but exist  viable. This has now been acknowledged by
        together in the matrix of consciousness. These  physics, which has shown that sub-atomic
        basic dimensions include the physical, the  particles like leptons and quarks can no longer be
        psychological and the social dimensions. At  divided further as they lapse into formlessness.
        the synthetic level, an attempt should be  For consciousness studies, this means we should
        made to study the spiritual dimensions  try to understand how consciousness qua
        of personality, while acknowledging that  consciousness gets organised, without assuming
        it is difficult for psychology to assess this  that it is caused by some ultimate material
        completely and accurately. Evidently, the  substrate. It is not enough to probe the physical
        conventional approach to clinical psychology  consciousness at the physical plane alone, it also
        and psychiatry tends to omit the synthetic  needs to be probed from a higher non-physical
        element, so a new consciousness-based  perspective, as mystics and seers have done.

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