Page 25 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 25

Namah                                             Notes on counselling

        violence, ethnocentrism, fanaticism, drug  consciousness’ where universal forces play,
        abuse, globalisation, class conflicts, crowd  intermingle and interact with the individual
        behaviour, gender issues and changing  consciousness. In the cosmic consciousness,
        familial values. The social dimension of  one feels identified with the universe (in
        a consciousness model should address  the metaphysical sense), in other words, the
        this collective consciousness vis-a-vis the  individual self is identified with the cosmic
        individual consciousness.                self. The sense of the individual ‘I’ changes to a
                                                 poise of universality. When spiritual seekers
        Indian spirituality has been conventionally  in India tried to understand the raison-d-
        criticised for having laid more emphasis  être of this experience of ‘universality’
        on individual salvation rather than on the  vis-a-vis ‘individuality’, they discovered a
        flowering of the collective consciousness. Sri  poise of ‘transcendence’, which supported
        Aurobindo dealt with this imbalance at two  and surpassed both the individuality and
        important levels.  First, at the psychological  the universality. They found that it was the
        level, he envisioned how the inner freedom,  same consciousness that expressed itself
        liberty and equality could be harmonised  simultaneously in the three different poises of
        with the outer freedom, liberty and equality  transcendence, universality and individuality
        to construct a consciousness paradigm of  and named it as the True Being or Brahman.
        global human unity. Secondly, He charted a  Yogis have described that on gaining the highest
        progressive evolution of consciousness along  mystic realisation, one makes an immediate
        a transformative trajectory to describe how  experiential contact with this Being or Brahman
        transformed individuals would constitute  as ‘pure consciousness’. This Being (Brahman)
        higher-order gnostic collectivities.     experienced as the ground of the universe was
                                                 also identified with the Self (Atman), the
        The spiritual dimension                  ground of our psychological existence. Thus,
                                                 a consciousness-based model of psychology
        The world belongs as much to the scientist  has to take cognisance of this spiritual reality
        and the pragmatist as to the mystic, the  that is no less valid then the material reality.
        saint and the seer. Psychology has not only
        to concern itself with the consciousness of the  Vignette
        average person, but also with the consciousness
        of Christ and the Buddha. Ordinarily, the  A medical anthropologist from the UK,
        term ‘oneself’ refers to the experience of  who had some exposure to shamanism, was
        an individual who is anatomically limited  interviewing spiritual and occult healers in
        by the skin, physiologically modulated by  India to find out how they viewed psychiatric
        the senses, psychologically organised around  problems and whether they collaborated with
        the ego and cognitively guided by reason.  modern psychiatrists.  She went to a remote
        However, mystical and spiritual experience  village near the India-Bangladesh border and
        have testified that one can cultivate a poise  interviewed a venerated Muslim spiritual
        of universality in which the limitations of  faith healer. He was in his late seventies but
        the body, the senses, the ego and the mind  still catered daily to a large clientele from all
        disappear, and one becomes aware of a ‘cosmic  faiths.  He explained to the anthropologist

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