Page 40 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 40

Namah                                    Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020

        neglected environment and being part of a  under stress, it prepares for fight, flight or
        dysfunctional family has its own positive  freeze reaction, which in turn releases two
        and negative effects. During all the eighteen  stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol.
        years of my stay at home, whenever I felt  When these hormones are persistently
        discomfort surrounding me and dangers  released into our bloodstream and a child
        approaching, I could feel my heartbeat rising  is constantly in stress for years together, it
        and my breath growing shallow. It was at  impairs his immune system and eventually
        those moments that I would rush to my room  results in various heart, lungs and liver
        and stand before the Mother’s photo that  diseases of which cancer is most common.
        hung above my bed and cry, praying, “Ma,  Psychology only points out these issues
        please whatever happens let me keep my  and temporarily engages with therapies
        balance, I don’t want to lose my mind,” and  and management programmes like stress
        cry again. Or at other times when everything  management which only reduces stress
        else seemed to fail because I had no adult  momentarily but doesn’t actually pull it
        support, I would grip the Mother’s blessing  out by its roots.
        packet in my palm and pray hard even
        though my hands trembled and fear shook  This is when spirituality comes to our
        me through my backbone.                  rescue because it delves deeper than the
                                                 mind and touches the core of man. It gives
        After 18 years of grappling with toxic energies,  practical solutions to human problems,
        it was only when I ran away from home and  enlightens us with that knowledge which
        found shelter at the Ashram boarding school,  has already been written down, about how
        at Mother’s lap, did my new life begin.  to walk on the path of yoga to reach the
        From 2017 onwards I met so many people  Divine. It is only by offering our lives to the
        from the fields of psychology, healing and  Divine can we feel at peace because if one
        spirituality and discovered that opening up  understands the root cause of a disease, it often
        about childhood trauma is not a taboo, but a  occurs from toxic energies accumulated
        necessity to heal and eventually help others  over the years. These energies generally
        going through it to heal as well. I learnt so  attacks one organ like the heart, liver, lungs
        much about myself, about both the positive  or any other part of the body, weakens it
        and negative effects that these experiences  and settles down there until the birth of a
        had in me, about my surroundings, about  disease. So instead of treating a disease like
        people and human behaviour. And as I am a  cancer only on medical grounds, doctors
        psychology student, I found my experiences  need to delve deeper to understand what
        relatable, but again what struck me was  the underlying causes are of it. These
        that psychology only offered a number of  toxic energies can be removed from the
        theories which dissected human behaviour  body if one practises spirituality, for his
        and made it painfully relatable but it didn’t  preconceived ideas and past beliefs will
        have solutions or methods to uproot them  then change and grow towards light. What
        permanently. For example, any form of  spirituality does to man is that it changes,
        childhood trauma causes stress because  purifies and uplifts all his being towards
        the body is a survival machine so when  the Divine.

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