Page 35 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 35

Namah                              Yogic insights into human psychology

        we may follow. Thus, for example, when we  glimpse some reflection of the sun from afar
        practise a set of aasanas or praannaayaama and even  without undertaking the real journey then
        meditation for health and calmness, we shall  we tend to turn the Law of Truth into a set
        find that. But this is only a basic preliminary  of fixed, unalterable rules which all must
        gain, a side-dish of yoga, a starter so to say  follow. But the sun reveals itself differently
        and not the main course.                 in different seasons, so too the law of Truth
                                                 reveals itself differently at different stages of
        The real purpose of yoga is not just some  life and our self-growth.
        mind-body balancing or some physical vigour
        and health. All these are good but yoga  Realigning to Truth
        knows that Truth shines far beyond the
        limiting horizons of our mind. It seeks to  In other words our life, as we live and experience
        climb to the Home of Truth on wings of  it, begins to fall out of tune with its rhythm that
        fire. It can do so since according to yoga,  it is meant to be. As a farmer who tills the soil
        this fire of aspiration in man has the same  and sows the seeds in the wrong season fails
        essential quality as the sun of Truth. Here  to harvest the sowings, so too our life, failing
        it manifests as a seeking, there, in its  to take note of this unfolding of Truth and
        native home it manifests as the self-aware  progressive evolution, often fails to reap the
        Splendour of Light and Power. That is how  divine harvest from within the soil of human
        the well-known discovery of yoga has to be  nature. Or to take another example, just as a
        understood that boldly declares that man  musical instrument or a vehicle needs to be
        is essentially divine, Sohamasmi, I am That,  tuned to give its best, so too our life and its
        or Tattvamasi, Thou are That.            instruments need to be tuned once again to
                                                 our depths and heights for a truer and fuller
        This does not mean that man in his surface  living. Yoga is a means to tune our life to its
        nature is divine. It is in his depths that man is  intended rhythm.
        divine. He carries within him the seed or spark
        of the divine Consciousness that is unfolding  The animal is attuned to nature with the
        in his life through a number of bodies and  power of instincts. It knows instinctively
        births. Yoga is only a conscious means of  what it must do or not do to keep itself in tune
        arriving at this great fundamental realisation.  with the environment and material nature
        The Law of Truth also can be discovered  that surrounds it. Man has lost this instinctive
        for each one only when he discovers this  harmony. He has bargained it for something
        secret fire within, the immortal soul in man  else. The animal instincts in him have taken a
        and the divine Will that is ingrained within  backseat as the powers of thought and mind
        it. Or else, it can be discovered through a  began to emerge. The mind must now re-
        long and arduous journey towards the sun.  attune our being, first by the development of
        This is the tremendous adventure of yoga  discriminative intellect and next by growing
        symbolised in the stories of Jatayu and  towards higher and higher possibilities of the
        Sampati, of Hanuman leaping towards the  mind itself until it arrives at intuition.
        sun in Indian mythology and of Icarus and  This growth of intuition in man will be the
        Daedalus in Greek mythology. But when we  human equivalent of the instinct in animal.

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