Page 38 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 38
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020
of his evolutionary course. We may call it the The sign that we are on the road to this
original programming done for him by the discovery is a growing peace and joy. On
Creator or the Creatrix Consciousness if we the other hand, a state of unhappiness and
want to use a more acceptable term. fear and suspicion is the sign that we are off-
centre. This then is the secret of joy and peace
However, when his soul is born upon earth that comes through yoga. It is not so much
it also takes upon itself all that earth nature a matter of techniques and processes and
is presently constituted of. The snake hisses methods as of the sincerity of our aspiration to
and darts in his tongue, the dinosaur groans find our true self, to live a beautiful and divine
in his underbelly, the rabbit and the mouse life. It also means living a more authentic life
live as fear in his smaller parts, the predatory since it is lived from the one true centre within
instincts of the tiger and leopard flow in his us. Yoga connects us with our central seeking,
blood, the monkey runs around restlessly our core aspiration. In the normal course of
in his mind. Not only this but also the past our life we get progressively disconnected
human forms that once inhabited the earth from our core. Aspiration is replaced with
and stamped their law and way of life upon ambition, beauty is replaced with artificiality,
it, the Asura, the Raakssasa, the Passu and all else, true joy is replaced with momentary pleasures
enter through hidden doors in our subconscient and passing happiness, peace is replaced with
nature as viruses that infect our computers inertia, love that springs from the core of our
and corrupt the original programming. These being is mixed and replaced with hate and
elements and forces, once needed for earth and lust and attachment and fear, knowledge is
still necessary for the animal kind and continue replaced with heaps of information strung
to linger in man, come in the way of our further together by the glue of ignorance that prevents
evolution. us from understanding the real value of things.
In other words man inherits the entire Yet nothing is lost. It is all there in our depths
evolutionary past of the earth. This would even as gold buried inside mud. All that is
not have mattered if man were to stay at a needed is to extract the real and the true and
fixed station as the animals do. But man is remove the sordid mixture and the artificial
born to participate in a conscious evolution substitute. It is thus that we can lead a true
and therefore he experiences the evolutionary and authentic life and not simply by following
drag from the past. To remove these forces of the whims and fancies of our ego-self and
a past animal and asuric nature is therefore desires, taking them to be ‘our self’. It is only
not from any moral point of view but from a by discovering this inner fire and its upwards
practical one. That is the rationale behind the ascension towards the vast infinity of the
yogin’s effort to reject some of the movements Divine Consciousness that we can discover
of the past that cloud and come in the way to true and lasting and unconditional freedom
discovering our true divine nature. and bliss.
Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and a member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram.