Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 16
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021
nature makes, as in the evolution of any other
species. There is for instance the religious man
who believes in God, not merely in a ritualistic
sense or as part of his social conditioning but
genuinely, as an intuition or a spontaneous
faith whose source they may not know. Then
there is the moral /ethical man who searches
for or erects an absolute principle of action
because he intuitively believes in some kind
of a universal good.
There is also the deeply philosophical
humanity which tries to live in an idealised
through knowledge with the awakening of mentality and searches some truth that it
certain faculties of inspiration, revelation, intuitively feels behind the phenomenon
intuition, etc., leading to a shift in the ways world. Even the scientist impelled to find the
of knowing and understanding from the processes and the how of things sometimes
present labouring mentality, to a more and reaches a point where he starts wondering
more direct perception of truth. We can call about the why and what is the original
this man Homo Intellectualis, who proceeds cause of creation. Science itself has branched
along lines of his mind, through his intellect into two main streams. One is the natural
by a progressive widening and heightening sciences that start by searching for the forces
as well as sublimation of his intelligence. behind matter, life and mind but focus mainly
on what is seen and perceived materially
On the other hand, the spiritual evolution and through instruments meant to pick up
may come about by a progressive deepening material objects and corresponding forces,
of his emotional being, his heart leading the energies and vibrations.
emergence of the secret psychic being,
the soul within him turning him into a But there has also been a parallel science that
bhakta, the devotee of the Lord for whom the has been practiced alongside the mainstream,
Divine is more real and concrete than all the science which focuses on hidden aspects and
concreteness of the world. We may call him forces of life. At times the same scientist has
the Homo psychicus. Or else he may evolve forayed into both. This science, generally
along lines of will and works leading to the called the occult sciences or the alchemists and
evolution of the karmayogi, Homo servitor or the druids, has generally ceased to exist in the
Homo dynamicus. There are several other lines West under the pressure of a more materialistic
along which Nature has attempted to evolve scientific thought. This practice was fairly
the spiritual man. common in ancient cultures but with the rising
tide of materialistic thought it has gone into
But between the mental man, as he stands the background. This materialistic thought,
today and the spiritual being he is destined to supposedly based on reason and sense
be, there are several preparatory moves that observation, denied the occult dimension