Page 19 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 19
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
freedom and infinity. But now all that has a prisoner. There were moments of course
changed. Those paths of yoga were like early when the prisoner would be temporarily out.
experiments, preparatory moves of nature in Yet this escape from the prison was always
some individuals to see how far and wide conditional, a prisoner on parole as it were.
can they stretch their consciousness. Now But the new spirituality is bound to integrate
the yoga has been generalised in nature these higher possibilities, these greater states
itself and hence sections of humanity are of consciousness with life and its manifold
suddenly awakening to regions and domains activities. It will touch upon every aspect
of consciousness that were normally not of life down to the smallest details until the
accessible to us. They do not yet know how highest and lowest become one.
to make sense of their experiences and yet
these experiences are multiplying.
A new thought is stirring the mind of man,
a thought that is freed from the tyranny
of material paradigms. A new feeling is
stirring the human heart, a feeling that is
stretching beyond the confines of family and
clan and is reaching out to all creatures. It
is not confined to humans alone but even
to birds and animals, and earth and rivers
and even to ghosts and aliens! A new will What it means is that in the days to come there
is stirring the human will, a will to dare the will be more and more children and sections
impossible, a faith in things that are not and of humanity that will breathe spirituality
yet can be and must be. It seems that within from its very birth. Their consciousness will
the human body a sub-species is arising be different and effortlessly they would
with quite a qualitatively different content have access to an inner intuition of truth
of consciousness. It rejects nothing but seeks just as animals have it with their instincts.
to transmute everything into something that They will follow an entirely new standard
is more beautiful, perfect, divine. of life and action and will be endowed
with a new and universal feeling, a larger
These are the early forerunners. They may sentiment, a wider thought, a clearer
seem awkward and perhaps even strange intuition of divinity in things, bypassing
when seen through the lens of humanity. Yet the religious sense which has already
these seemingly ‘strange and maladroit’ outlived its purpose. We can stop with
human beings may be actually breaking these first hints and glimpses of possibilities
through certain human limits and barriers and wait for the last Act in the great epic
that nature had built around us for staying of creation, in the drama of the world to be
within the limits of our humanity. It is enacted. The actors are being trained behind
precisely these barriers that yoga was the scenes, the stage and the costumes are
meant to break and set man free from the being prepared and the story line is ready.
limits in which nature had tied him down as It is just a question of time when we will