Page 18 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 18

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021

        In fact, the first humans were fast losing the  entering the mainstream of science. All these
        vitality of the ape but what they were gaining  are early signs but clear enough to indicate
        was not yet visible on the surface, not even  the direction of the future.
        to them. They were wanderers and explorers
        who knew not who they were and why they  If we look at the history of spiritual evolution
        were and where they had to go and what  it took quite a similar route. The Vedic mystics,
        they were searching. They must have felt  for example, had to clothe their experiences
        quite ill-equipped compared to the strong  in symbolic language which was revealed
        apes and the beasts of the wild and yet each  only to the initiate. Spiritual practices, as
        challenge they faced brought out of them the  different from spiritual philosophy, were a
        hidden mental power. They had to conquer  rather closely guarded secret. It was meant
        the earth not through the extreme vitality of  only for the initiate. Not all were considered
        the animal or its brute strength but through  ready for the spiritual life. There were
        something else, something new, the growing  ashrams and monasteries where the spiritual
        light of a mental intelligence and its power  truths were taught. While the acceptance was
        of reason. Something similar to what we are  much more in India, the guardian of spiritual
        witnessing today.                        aspiration in mankind, in other parts of the
                                                 world it took the form of occultism. Spiritual
        The mental man has entered a fast-forward  practitioners were often misunderstood and
        curve through which he is exhausting his  persecuted right until our own ages. It is only
        mental capacities and sounding its utmost  now that we see a kind of generalisation of
        possibilities. In the process he is discarding  the spiritual impulse, a collective seeking,
        many things and changing others. New  a greater acceptance of spirituality. Science
        impulses and aspirations are seizing him  itself is beginning to accept at least some
        already, the aspiration for a new kind of  aspects of it. Scientific knowledge is itself
        thought that unites Creator with the Creation,  drawing towards the sense of the mystic
        the aspiration to make earth a beautiful home,  and spiritual intuitions. All these are signs
        the urge to explore and understand other  of a preparedness for the generalisation of
        dimensions beyond the material universe,  the yoga in mankind. A greater collective
        the hope of freedom from disease and the  spiritual evolution is clearly in the offing.
        possibility of physical immortality. The
        collective imagination of the race is being  Evolution of the spiritual man
        seized by ideas of transmutation to a new
        species. Knowledge has burst beyond its  In other words what is happening is that the
        seams and the neat material world with clear-  spiritual evolution of man through yoga is
        cut laws is collapsing into an indeterminate  changing into the evolution of the spiritual
        chaos. On the other hand, irrational impulses  man. The spiritual evolution up until now
        seem to be seizing humanity, breaking down  took the form of an individual journey,
        the fixed social order and the old formats of  whereby each one had to follow a certain
        the mind-built world. The subjective side of  path of yoga and its fixed formal practices.
        existence is being given importance while  It was like a narrow road opening us out
        certain practices such as meditation are  of the mental rooms into the wide sky of

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