Page 17 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 17
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
which was based on its own observations domain, of the fourth dimension so to say,
(through another order of senses developed wherein our normal operations of the mind
methodically by the occult scientist) and its and heart, our ordinary human will, is taken
own framework of understanding offered up as a pedestal for our consciousness to enter
by the practitioners of the occult sciences. into another state where the face of Truth
begins to reveal itself in ways that we cannot
Finally there is the man of sheer genius in even imagine right now. Such people known
whom and through whom Nature tries to as mystics, yogis, messengers of God, saints,
rush forward, exceeding herself and in the sages and seers are revered as exceptional
process sometimes breaking the mould. human beings and often regarded as not
Here we must however understand that a human but superhuman representatives of
genius is an exaggeration of one dimension in God. True, they are manifestations of the
which the person shoots beyond the average Divine or the divinity hidden within us, but
normal possibility. But this shooting beyond then the whole world is in a sense a concealed
is not only in terms of the intellect. It can take divinity, often distorted on the surfaces, yet a
place in the heart through emotions creating divinity no doubt. The Saint, the Yogi, the Seer,
a man of exemplary love who can sacrifice the Mystic, though rare and often seemingly
and renounce everything for the sake of freaks of creation are yet the infants of a New
one’s beloved. This love is often celebrated World that is yet to come. Or rather it has
in poetry and though the average person come and has started working actively
may not even believe in this possibility, yet to create right now a new sub-species of
this idealised love is dreamt of by men who humanity. But this new sub-species is a
have risen beyond a certain level because forerunner of an entirely new species. The
something in them intuitively knows it to early ape-man was a half-way home of the
be possible. mental man yet to come. The first awkward
signs were visible in this creature which was
There is also the genius of action, the hero neither an ape nor a human being proper. Yet
in the battlefield who rises beyond the sense it is through this rather weird creature that the
of life and death and immortalises himself evolutionary impulse climbed beyond the ape
through a supreme sacrifice for his country and through a long process of time evolved
or some noble and worthy cause. All these into the mentalised rational humanity of
are ways through which nature tries to push today. We can envisage something similar
man in various ways beyond his self. They about the future of humanity.
may look like freaks but it is these freaks
whose anomalous tendencies open the road
towards the supernormal.
Beginnings of spiritual evolution
But true spiritual evolution actually begins
when man enters the realm of spiritual
experience. These are experiences of another