Page 23 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 23
Namah Realms of the evolution of consciousness
inherent potentials and energy within. Evolution, moves from Inconscient Stillness
and Inactivity to Conscient Activity and
A simple example of this is that the future tree Movement to Super-Conscient Activity and
is existent in the present seed. The process of Stillness. We can consider it as a movement
the seed turning into a tree is evolution and the from apparently inert matter towards life and
presence of the energy-force (consciousness) rudimentary mind, as seen in the vegetable
and the potentials within the seed to enable and animal kingdoms. This is followed by
the transformation, is involution. the evolution in human beings, who have a
developed vital, mind and intellect.
The nature of evolution is to transcend, co-
holding multiplicity and simultaneity in its And lastly, it is the movement towards a
process. For the purpose of this article, we higher state of existence that transcends the
will focus the discussions along the realms limitations and boundaries of time and space.
of evolution, beginning at the stage of matter It is important to note that, while human
and its systematic progress thereafter. For beings are currently at the highest point in the
a simpler understanding of this process, cycle of evolution, they are not the end-point
it is easier to conceive it as moving across in evolution, “Man is a transitional being; he
three definitive stages of development and is not final; for in him and high beyond him
progress, referred to here as realms. ascend the radiant degrees which climb to a
divine supermanhood (1).”
The three realms that capture the story
of evolution are: The Realm of Inconscient The dimensions and progression have been
Inactivity and Stillness; The Realm of Conscient captured in the Table of page 21.We will
Activity and Movement; and finally the Realm now progress to the details across the fields
of Super-Conscient Activity and Stillness. of operations, the transition dimensions,
These three Realms are where the world and the movements and the realisation of the
all matter, objects and beings operate in. potentialities through which all matter and
beings operate and evolve.These realms are
The Realm of Conscient Activity and Movement to be considered as distinct, but fluid with
lies in the middle. This is the field of activity, possibility of movement towards ascension
where action is inevitable. The human and or descent, linear and or horizontal.
journey primarily takes place within this
realm. This realm is the threshold for the We will now systematically analyse each
growth of the consciousness. The Realm of variable of study across the three realms.
Inconscient Inactivity and Stillness that occurs
prior in forms of the nascent existence of the 1. Field
The field referred to here is the entire field of
The Realm of Super-Conscient Activity and activity and all its constituents that operate
Stillness that occurs after, apprises of all the within the field. In the Gnta (verses 13.4 -13.7),
possibilities on alignment of the consciousness this is termed as the Kssetra (2). It consists of
to the highest and operates from there. the five great elements, individualised ego,