Page 27 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 27
Namah Realms of the evolution of consciousness
is also strongly bound by nature (Prakrrti) helps to organise and maintain boundaries
and its three distinct qualities (gunas): Purity in the transactional world and creates
and effortlessness in activity (sattva), Desire- differentiation and individualisation. Each
charged activity (rajas), and Inactivity (tamas). object and being therefore can be defined
independently as something physical, with
The combination of the three gunnas that specific shape, form and texture, nature
can also be described as Knowledge and and characteristics. The dimension of Time
Light, Desire and Agitation, Ignorance and helps to bring the concept of dualities of
Inertia are prevalent in every individual in creation-destruction and birth-death. Space
different proportions based on their inherent helps to divide the physical (gross) into
nature. All actions are performed in all cases independent individualised objects.
depending on the qualities and tendencies of
the nature (gunas) of that individual (5). This In the Realm of Inconscient Inactivity and
is what brings out the uniqueness in each Stillness, there is no experience or perceptions
being by bringing out unique responses to of the dimensions of time, space and objects.
any context. Extending this line of thought, The realm primarily provides the finiteness
the outcomes that follow are also unique and of the gross physical state of matter. An
specific to individuals. example could be a rock. It occupies space
and it is an object having a distinct physical
In the Realm of Super-Conscient Activity and form and composition. Relatively speaking,
Stillness, this intellect operates at an even purer, matter appears to have no agency of its own,
higher level and is likely to transcend from the it cannot move or change its form unless
‘I’ness into the ‘One’ness. There is an awareness assisted (acted upon).
of the transient nature of the world of objects,
its constantly changing nature. The being is in Within the Realm of Conscient Activity
contact with the consciousness (Self) within and Movement, time, space and objects are
and outside, identifying with ‘That’ which is all experienced. In this realm, change is
unchanging, which truly exists, the true Self, continuously experienced. Time provides
the pure consciousness.Anchored beyond the finiteness and definiteness to experiences.
individual self into a larger, and operating for By dividing into past, present and future,
the larger good. From atma-kalyana (wellness time allows our mind to comprehend and
of individual self), it functions to the location experience the world and the objects, thoughts
of sarvakalyan (wellness of all). The mind and feelings logically and sequentially as real
therefore is deployed towards selfless service and finite. This is also the realm of limitations
and oneness with no insistence on specific and boundaries, compelling us to make
desirable outcomes for individual self. choices of place and time, things and beings,
happenings and circumstances, etc.
4. Transition dimensions
The concept of time creates existential fears.
The dimensions of Time, Space and Objects Being a scarce resource, it triggers feelings
create a sense of finiteness, completeness and around hoarding, possessing and protecting.
concreteness to the daily living processes. It This in turn fuels desires, wants and