Page 26 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 26

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021

                                                 the identification of the mind and vital with the
                                                 body, the instrument is very strong, which in
                                                 turn creates the differentiations of I-You, Mine-
                                                 Others, etc. In order to make its importance and
                                                 relevance felt, the mind controls and directs all
                                                 action. This ego mind and vital thrive on the
                                                 combination of fear, desire and attachment.
                                                 These are the causes of pathos and sorrows that
                                                 individuals experience in the world.

                                                 All these emotions are reasons for experiencing
        3. Mind plane
                                                 frozenness, indecision, ignorance, confusion
        The mind and vital, seat of all perceptions,   and quite often leading towards wrong action
        thoughts, emotions and feelings, together   choices.The instinct of self-preservation is
        direct all actions to respond to the stimuli   a powerful and binding driver and a cause
        from the external world. The mind and vital   for the constant preoccupation for fulfilment
        processes the stimulations received when   of desires and gratification in humans. The
        objects come in contact with sense organs and   mind and vital planes are the stage where the
        provides a suitable response for the organs   drama of the world of objects takes place, the
        to act. The mind (manas) has the capacity of   play of cause and effect.
        volition, perception, feeling, understanding,
        and deciding.                            Humans are also armed with another capacity:
                                                 the intellect (buddhi). This makes beings
        In the Realm of Inconscient Inactivity and   capable of recognising objects and concepts
        Stillness, the mind is involved but not   of the world, to compare, contrast, categorise,
        developed and evolved and therefore does   distinguish, visualise, create, imagine,
        not have the capacity to think or act.   discover and innovate. At an even higher
                                                 level of the intellect, lies the ability to
        In the Realm of Conscient Activity and   discriminate (vivekabuddhi), enquire into the
        Movement, the mind has different development   existential relationships, to distinguish the
        states. For elementary beings (animal kingdom),   difference between the Subject (the knower,
        the mind is not fully developed, nor capable   experiencer) and Object (known, experience).
        of deep thinking. Here, the capacity of the   This intelligence enables them to connect to
        mind is limited to receiving stimuli from the   the universal consciousness, the source of
        external mind, processing it as one of threat   energy within and outside of them. However
        or safety and acting accordingly. The mind in   this experience and connectedness with the
        lower beings operates mostly from a fright,   universal consciousenss is sporadic and not
        flight or fight mode.The mind in human   continuous. While this potential is innate and
        beings however is more developed and     available to all, it is not tapped into equally
        includes the vital. It helps the formation of   by humans. This is because, it is largely
        individual identities and then goes further to   dependant on the capacity and development
        establish relationship of the self with others.In   of the consciousness in individuals.This realm

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