Page 28 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 28
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021
attachments to objects and beings, spurring from this world and become immortal (6).”
a vicious chain of operating from scarcity
and limitations, overlooking abundance 5. Movement of the conscience principle
and generosity. The manifest and tangible
experienced through perceptions, feelings The process of evolution occurs both at the
and emotions take precedence and appear micro individual self level and at the macro
as the only reality. level as a transition and transformation
of consciousness. The degree and level
Now, within the Realm of Super-Conscient of evolution of the conscious principle
Activity and Stillness, there is an expansion determines the realm from which the matter
and transcendence of the consciousness or living being is operating. So far, we have
beyond the dimensions of time, space and discovered matter as only the substance-
objects. The being is completely, wholly, form of force, and the material force as only
integrally and fully living in the ‘eternal the energy-form of Mind. It is actually the
now’, in common parlance called ‘here and consciousness operating within a particular
now’, when the mind usually ceases its acts realm that determines the level of congruence
of division and rests. and integration that the particular being or
object experiences.
Therefore the being can experience
infiniteness, changelessness, multiplicity, In the Realm of Inconscient Inactivity and
simultaneity, limitlessness and eternity. Stillness, there is an experience of unconscious
The existential concerns and fears around congruence. The field appears to be inert, not
death cease since there is a getting in touch yet mentalised. The objects in this realm are
with the same infiniteness within the self complete in themselves, without awareness.
and within others. The limitations of form They are governed completely by the external
and shape are realised and experienced force of nature (Prakrrti). The kindling of
in a continuum, where there is change in aspiration from within for any progress is
the material, physical, mind and vital but absent.
the consciousness is changeless, eternal,
timeless, and imperishable. This is the In the Realm of Conscient Activity and
dimension of experiencing the unmanifest. Move-ment the conscious principle is
The unmanifest is not available through any conscious and can experience congruence
one of the instruments of cognition, feeling or but only with self-effort. The congruence
understanding. It is the higher consciousness and integration is sporadic and unstable. The
which is the vitality behind the sense organs option available for beings in this realm is to
(mere eyes do not see unless the self is in progress and transcend to the next realm or
there to see), the feeler-potential in the mind go back in awareness, letting the aspiration
and the very light that illumines the intellect. die out. There is a back and forth in the
“That which is hearing of our hearing, mind progress of expanding the consciousness.
of our mind, speech of our speech, that too is To sustain and grow the awareness tothe
life of our life-breath and sight of our sight. possible potentialities for an integration and
The wise are released beyond and they pass stabilisation requires effort and work.