Page 29 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 29
Namah Realms of the evolution of consciousness
themselves, to transcend and operate from
the higher and then highest consciousness,
with adequate aspiration, preparation,
nurturance and effort. This realisation of
potential allows the being(s) to operate
from the highest consciousness within the
world. Let us understand in detail how this
realisation unfolds across the three realms.
In the Realm of Inconscient Inactivity and
In the Realm of Super-Conscient Activity Stillness, the object or the being is operating
and Stillness, there is an experience of a state merely as gross form, constituting the five
of complete congruence with the highest elements. The life-force even if existent is
consciousness. This congruence is whole, not active. The subtle (manas and buddhi)
integral, full and constant, unwavering and and causal are not experienced. In short, for
unaffected under any circumstance. Such a the consciousness in this state of evolution,
being is established and aligned to the super there is nothing beyond the physical matter.
conscient awareness, at all times, everywhere, It just is, without the awareness, without the
with all. The Gnta (7) refers to it as one who agency, without the effort, in absence of an
is sthitaprajnya: that is one who casts off all aspiration.
the desires of the mind, satisfied in the self
by the self, whose mind is not shaken up by At the lower elementary level, the Realm of
adversity; does not hanker after pleasures, Conscient Activity and Movement has the
who is free from attachment, fear, anger; one faint beginning of life and the emergence of
who is everywhere, who neither rejoices nor life force and mind. This becomes evident in
hates; who is able to withdraw his senses single cell organisms, branching into plant
from the sense objects (verses 2.55, 2.56. 2.57, and animal kingdoms, in short, following
2.58). the Darwinian classification of the living
systems. In each state of evolution, there is
progress in the consciousness until it reaches
6. Realisation of potentialities
the human kind, the highest so far in the
Every being, object carries within, the seed evolution of all beings. In human beings, the
of all the possibilities and potentialities consciousness also has an added element of
to evolve into its highest, purest and perfect a developed mind and intellect that is self-
manifestation. This manifestation is waiting, conscious. Becoming self-conscious is the
lying latent, awaiting the right set of conditions individualisation of the Self, the Becoming.
for fruition. An example of this is a seed that has Becoming is the identity, the sum total
the potentiality to become a large banyan tree, amalgamation of all roles, physical attributes,
awaiting the right conditions and nurturance inherited traits, internalisation of the culture
of adequate water, sunlight, nutrients and and social norms of an individual.
protection. Similarly humans too have the This gets internalised by the process of
potential to evolve to the best version of affirmation, iti-iti (this too, that too). It is the